6: Trap

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"Optimus, we are picking up a strange energy signature." Ratchet called catching both mine and the Prime's attention.

"What sort of reading?" I asked, looking up at the monitor. I froze at the screen but kept a stoic expression.

"I do not recognize this signature." Optimus said.

"I do, and it shouldn't exist." I said with a grimace.

"What is it?" Ratchet asked with a hint of worry.

"It's a Valkryrie energy signature, specifically one we use for distress beacons. However, that is not possible. This reeks of a trap."

"Valkryrie, are you certain?" Optimus asked.

"Possitive. I am the one who designed the signature. But if a bot is in distress..." I grimaced, looking at the floor.

"I shall accompany you. Ratchet, can you open a ground bridge to those coordinants?" Optimus asked.

"I can, just... please be careful." Ratchet said as he opened the bridge. Optimus and I stepped on through, exiting into some sort of quarry. I drew my halberd nervously, looking about.

"This feels like an ambush." I whispered.

"Stay on your guard." Optimus said, drawing his blaster. We cautiously ventured further into the quarry. Eventually, we found the rusting corpse of a vehicon. My optics widened as I saw the Valkyrie distress beacon sticking out of its chassis.

"It's a trap!" I shouted. The next thing I knew, we were surrounded by vehicons.

"I told you it would work." The snide voice of Swidle said. I looked up in horror, peering down at us along with Swindle was Starscream and the hulking warlord Megatron.

"Optimus Prime AND Y/D? An impressive catch Swindle." Megatron said with a sneer.  The circle of vehicons closed in, my back now pressed against Optimus's.

"Sir, do you trust me?" I whispered to Optimus. He gave me an odd look but nodded. I quickly grabbed him and took flight, blaster fire shooting up at us. I chucked Optimus towards Megatron. Thankfully, Optimus understood the assignment and engaged with the warlord. I opened a comlink to Ratchet. "Ratchet! We need backup! Call the others and quick!" I then dove down and tackled Swindle, both of us engaged in a feirce fight.

"For a pleasure bot, you sure know how to do damage!" Swindle cackled.

"And for an offline bot, you sure talk a lot of smack!" I retorted, decapitating Swindle with a swift and vicious strike. His helm bounced to the ground, and his lights went out. "You won't hurt anyone ever again." I snarled, engaging with the vehicons that had now surrounded us. I was then grabbed by Starscream, the seeker digging his razor-sharp didgets into my frame. I let out a cry of pain and struggled in his grip.

"Let me go, you glitch!" I cried angrily.

"No, I don't think I will!" Starscream snarled, throwing me to the side. I heard the sound of a ground brige opening and the other Autobots rushing out. I took the opportunity and tackled Starscream. The pair of us rolled about, punching and clawing at each other like 2 feral felines in an alleyway.  We ended up rolling to the edge of the quarry and falling in. Instinctively, I shielded Starscream from the fall and took the force of it. I heard a loud crunch, and a shot of pure agony raced through me. I let out a cry of pain, Starscream towering over my busted frame and broken wings. I looked up at him, his blaster pointed at my helm.

"S-star....p-please." I gasped.

"I'm sorry, my dear, but this is for your own good." He then slammed his blaster to my helm, and I remembered no more.

I awoke groggily, my frame sore and bound to what I assumed was some sort of medical berth. I opened my optics and hazily looked around.

"Knockout, Y/D is awake." I heard a voice say, my helm looking towards a hulking blue mech. I stared at him curiously before a cherry red mech caught my attention.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty." The red mech said with a smirk.

"What....where am i?" I managed to say.

"Our medical wing. Lord Megatron wanted you to be repaired." The blue mech said.

"Why would he want to help me?" I questioned, suspicious of the two mechs.

"Dunno doll, but Breakdown here will escort you." I felt the restraints on my servos and pedes release, and I slowly sat up. I tried to move my wings but found them bound together. "Can't have you flying off. Now be a good little bird and follow Breakdown."

The blue mech, Breakdown, gently grabbed my servo and helped me to my pedes. Hesitantly, I followed the big mech through the dark metalic halls.

'Stay calm. Think of this as a Ghostwalker mission.' I thought, straightening myself and holding a grace of stoic power. I noticed several vehicons watching as Breakdown and I passes them. They made me nervous with their gazes, but I paid them no mind. We eventually came to the bridge where Megatron, Starscream, and who I assumed was Soundwave all stood. I kept a blank expression, and my optics locked onto Megatron.

"I see you are well. Good." Megatron said with a deep gravely voice.

"What do you want?" I asked darkly

"Information Y/D, or do you prefer Ghostwalker?" He asked, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"I prefer Valkryrie, for I am one." I said sternly. "I demand you release me."

"Oh, I'm afraid I can't do that Y/D. You are the remaining one who could tell me about the Sunshard and its location." He snarled.

"It was shattered and scattered like my sisters." I said bluntly.

"We all know that is a lie." Starscream said, stepping closer to me, I tried to back away, but Breakdown grabbed my wrists and held them tightly together, slapping a set of cuffs on them. Starscream gave him a look that said,'Why wasn't that done before?' To which Breakdown only shrugged.

"Get these bindings off of me!" I snapped angrily.

"Can't do that." Breakdown said.

"Tell us where the Sunshard is?"

"I told you! It was shattered and scattered!" I snapped. "You were there, remember? Or did Megatron toss you around like an insecticon so much it wiped that from your memory?" That hit a nerve with Starscream, but Megatron only laughed.

"Oh, I had forgotten about your little attitude, Y/D!" Megatron cackled. "Reminds me of the days in the Pits where you would insult your opponents before brutally slaying them."

"I prefer to forget such false glories." I snapped. "I won't tell you anything." Megatron scoffed at my words.

"Take her to the brig. Perhaps the isolation will give her time to reconsider things."

A/n: another chapter down! I should mention that my English is a bit sub-par, so forgive any weird errors.

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