14: Magnus

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I eventually managed to make my way back to Jasper, using my sense of smell to track down my targets.

'Where are you, Ratchet?' I thought, sniffing the ground in my beast form. I suddenly picked up his scent, tracking it frantically. That's when I saw him, standing next to a painfully familiar blue mech. I let out a small growl, catching the group of Autobots's attention. The blue mech drew a blaster and aimed at me, but Ratchet intervened.

"Doctor. Do you know this beast?" Ultra Magnus asked. I shifted forms and glared at him.

"I am no beast." I snapped angrily.

"Y/D?" He exclaimed. "You....you are alive."

"No thanks to you!" I snapped, hot angry tears threatening to leave my optics.

"Y/D, you know I never wanted to leave you or your carrier behind - "

"And yet you did!" I snapped. "You left us to the mercy of Swindle! Carrier died because of you!" My frame shook in anger and hurt, quiet sobs leaving me. I then swung my balled servo back and decked him in the face as hard as I could. "THAT'S FOR LEAVING!" Ultra Magnus stared at me blankly, the other Autobots shifting back. I then hugged the big blue mech and sobbed. "This is for coming back..."


"I've missed you, sire. I've missed you so fragging much!"

"Hold up!" Miko exclaimed. "So this bot is your dad?!"

"Miko!" Bulkhead scolded. Ratchet shifted nervously at the new information.

"Y/D, it would be best if you let me go now." Ultra Magnus said.

"Sorry." I sniffled, pulling away and wiping my optics. "I know I should be such an emotional mess right now."

"It is understandable, but we have a mission to complete. We will have to catch up later." As everyone piled into his ship, Ratchet wad nervously looked up at me and back to my sire.

"Why did you not tell me about him?" Ratchet whispered to me.

"In all honesty, I thought he was offline. " I whispered back. "Plus, it was....a complicated situation."

"Sire, you can't go!" I exclaimed.

"He has to sweetspark. He's been summoned by Alpha Trion." Carrier said.

"Why can't we go with him?" I asked, my carrier picking me up.

"It's too dangerous, my little spark. My friend Swindle will make sure you stay safe." Ultra Magnus then hugged us both. "I love you both to the stars and back. I promise I'll be home before you know it."

~end flashback~
"Aa angry as I was with him, it wasn't his fault that Swindle had taken advantage of us." I sighed, leaning against Ratchet in exhaustion. Ratchet looked down at me and, making sure no one was looking, placed a gentle kiss on my helm. I started to slip into a light recharge, my mind resting, but my audials were still listening.

"I saw that." Wheeljack said quietly. I could hear the smirk.

"Oh, be quiet, you." Ratchet retorted.

"Easy sunshine, I'm not here to take ya from her. She'd probably tear me a new one." I smirked in my light recharge, my frame slipping so my helm rested on Ratchet's lap like a sleepy kitty. "You're lucky to have her, and she's lucky to have you."

'You have no idea, Jackie.' I thought before dozing off to a deep recharge.

I was awoken by Ratchet gently nudging me, a quiet groan leaving my dermas.

"You need to get up." Ratchet said.

"'M comphy." I muttered.

"Y/D." I heard Ultra Magnus say, immidiatly rousing me from my rest and causing my faceplate to turn a brilliant blue. "Come on, we are setting up a new base, and the others need your assistance."

"I-i, yes, sire." I quickly stood and made my way out of the ship, pausing when I heard Ultra Magnus speaking to Ratchet.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?" I heard him say.

'Oh no.'

"To love her, of course." Ratchet said sternly.

"Then I have one more request of you."

"What is it, sir?"

"I want you to keep her safe. She's the only thing of value I have left."


"Yes, sir."

It didn't take long for us to set up base in the hanger, Ratchet and I working together to set up a med bay and other equipment.

"We still need to find Optimus and Smokescreen." I said. "I think I can track them down, but I'll need something of theirs in order to get a scent."

"Will this be of any use?" Ratchet asked, holding up a busted datapad. "It was Smokescreen's until he broke it."

"Y/D, you are not going out on your own." Ultra Magnus said sternly.

"I've been on my own for a long time, sire. It would be best for me to fly solo for this." I said, turning to him. "No one here besides myself can fly without your ship."

"It is far more complicated than that Y/D. They have a predecon!" My ridges rose with surprise.

"Shockwave is among them? Thought that mech fell with Cybertron."

"So did we, until we saw his pet." Bulkhead said.

"I think I can take it on, just not in a normal sense." I said.

"Y/D, what are you talking about?" Magnus asked.

"Ragnarök, the Beast Titain. I possess its power. My beast form is only a small fragment of it. If I can awaken it, then the predecon will have to yield." I said, mostly talking to myself. "I just need to think...." I went over to a corner of the main room and sat on the floor, closing my optics and entering my meditative state.

'Ragnarök.' I called in my mind.

'Valkyrie.' I heard it speak. 'You are not yet ready for the full force I have to offer.'

'There's no time. The life of a Prime is at stake.'

'And what of your own? Will you throw it away so carelessly?'

'If it means saving Optimus and in turn saving everyone, then yes. I will take that risk.'

'Then brace yourself the next time you take on your beast form. It will be a painful endeavor.'

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