8: Nightmare

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To say my recharge after my imprisonment was a peaceful one would be a lie. I was used to having nightmares, but this one had me like no other. In the nightmare, I was standing on a hill overlooking Cybertron, Ratchet standing next to me. It was so romantic, our helms pressed together, and his servo resting on my hip plate. We were happy and deeply in love, like not even Unicron could tear us apart. Then his optics turned from the beautiful sweet aqua I had grown to love to a vicious  sanguine red, a terrifying grin on his faceplate.  I then looked down and saw his blade buried into my tanks. Energon leaked out from the wound and dripped down my sides and onto the ground.

'You were a fool to trust me.' He said, ripping the blade out of my frame. My optics went wide as energon poured from the wound. I fell back to the ground, looking up to a black sky. I saw my sisters looking down at me, all with disappointment in their faces. Then the roar of Ragnarök filled my audials, and I was consumed by brilliant fire.

"Valkyrie!" I heard Ratchet's voice call, snapping me out of the nightmare. I shot upright, hyperventilating rapidly. "Easy easy, it was just a nightmare." I looked over to Ratchet, fear in my optics until I saw his were still the same aqua blue I knew and loved. I wrapped my arms around his neck, quietly sobbing into his neck cables. "Shhh, shhh, it's okay. I got you, I got you." He said softly, holding me close to his frame. "You scared me there for a moment, you were crying in your recharge."

"I-it was awful." I shakily said.

"It's okay. It was just a dream." Ratchet said, his husky voice soothing my spark. "Slow, deep vents. I promise everything will be okay." Eventually, I calmed down but didn't want to leave his embrace, wimpering when he tried to pill away.

"Please... don't go." I said quietly. "I don't think I can go back into recharge."
"I may have a solution." He grinned slightly. Suddenly, Ratchet scooped me up bridal style, which surprised me because I was a helm taller than he was but far lighter, and carried me to his berthroom. He laid me down and crawled into the berth with me.

"R-Ratchet?" I asked, a soft squeak escaping me as he pulled me close to his chassis.

"I am prescribing you a dose of cuddles and love." He said, making me turn a brilliant blue.

"W-who told you to say that?!" I whisper-yelled.

"Was it bad?" He said, seeming hurt.

"N-no just unexpected." I was BEYOND flustered at this point. I buried my face in his chassis, hiding my embarrassment. I felt him gently kiss the top of my helm.

"If you must know, it was Bulkhead." I looked up at him with shocked amusement, trying to contain the laughter that was threatening to escape.

"I knew it, the Ratchet I know isn't that smooth." I teased.

"I can be smooth if I want!" He huffed in annoyance.

"Prove it." I challenged.

"Oh, um, did the sun make you? Because you're hot." He said uncertainly. I couldn't help but laugh at the bad pickup line. "What? You put me on the spot!"

"Sweet Solus Prime, that was terrible." I laughed. He grouchily huffed, pulling me closer to him and resting his helm on mine. I nuzzled his neck cables, playfully biting one gently. A quiet gasp left him, and his face was blue.

"Don't tease me like that." He grumbled.

"Sorry, I can't help it." I said, one of my legs wrapping around his waist and pulling him in even closer. He rested a servo on my hip, a soft and content sigh leaving him. Soon, we both were in a pleasant recharge. Unaware to us, a certain human had poked her little head in and took a picture with the help of her rotund companion.

"I knew it."

A/n I know super short, but c'mon, it was sweet and adorable! Also, frag you, Miko!

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