18: Battlemaiden's Rising

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"Ratchet, we have to get out of here!" I exclaimed, chaos erupting on the ship. The autobots had struck, and the assault on the Nemesis was an intense one.

"Valkryrie, we have to be careful!" Ratchet exclaimed. "I don't want to lose all 3 of you!"

"You won't love, now come on!" We tore through the halls only to run right into the predecon dubbed Predaking in his bipedal mode.

"Stand aside! So I may slay this Autobot murderer!" Predaking snarled.

"You will not harm my mate!" I snapped, shielding Ratchet with my wings.

"This is the one who sparked you?"

"Yes, you big dolt! Now, use that head of yours and realize you have been tricked! Megatron purposefully leads the Autobots to the other clones! He did it because he is afraid of you!" I was trembling at this point. The intense golden optics of Predaking were analyzing my every move.

"You lie!"

"Why would I lie?!" I growled, getting right up in his face. "Prove you are not just a beast and analyze!" Predaking paused before taking off, letting us pass.

"How did you know that would work?" Ratchet asked.

"I didn't. Now, let's get you out of here!" We rushed through the halls, dodging blaster fire. "We need to get to the vaults. My halberd is in there!" I watched as Ratchet swapped his servos to his blades.

"I'll cover you! Go!" Ratchet yelled.

"But -"

"Go! I'll catch up!"

"Promise?" I asked.

"I promise. Now hurry!" I quickly ran to the vaults, kicking the doors open and grabbing my halberd. I charged back out of the vault, seeing Ratchet surrounded.

"YOU LEAVE MY SPARKMATE ALONE!" I bellowed, charging at the swarm of vehicons. I hacked and slashed my way towards Ratchet, something in my processor awakening at the sight of him. As if the wind was guiding my deadly dance, I reached Ratchet, the poor mech having several wounds on him. I let out a roar so loud it shook the corridors,  vehicons backing away in fear.

"Y/D!" I heard Smokescreen call. I hoisted Ratchet over my shoulders, carrying him through the halls.

"Hang in there, Ratchet." I whispered.

"I'll be fine, love." Ratchet said weakly.

"Don't talk, just rest, okay?" I said, darting down the halls and spotting Smokescreen, Arcee, and Bumblebee. "I have Ratchet!"

"Valkryrie! Over here! We have to stop them from activating the Omega lock!" Bumblebee whirred. I nodded and handed Ratchet off to Smokescreen.

"Keep him safe, Smoke." I said. "Or I'll offline you."

"Loud and clear Val." Smokescreen said. I followed Bumblebee to the Omega Lock, Magnus engaged with Shockwave and Optimus with Megatron. I dove down and tag teamed Shockwave with my sire, much to his protests.

"Y/D, I ordered you to fall back!" Magnus snapped.

"Not this time, sire." I said, swinging my halberd and using the flat of the blade to smack Shockwave to the side. Shockwave then fired at my chassis, my frame flinging back and into the glowing pool of the Omega Lock. I felt myself separate from my frame, everything going dark.

'No, no! Not like this!'

'Y/D' I heard a familiar voice say.

'Galactica?!' I watched as she materialized in front of me like a mist.

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