-4: History -

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A/n: This Is a flashback chapter, and it is a loooong one.
“And the winner is Y/D!” The announcer called, the crowd cheering my name, and I stood over the slain Insecticon. I lifted my halberd up, soaking in cheers of bots all around. “Gladiator! You may now exit the ring!”
I nodded and then left the arena, heading straight to the washracks to clean the Insecticon’s energon from my frame. As the fluid ran over me, I overhead another femme speaking to someone.

“I heard Galactica is reforming the Valkyrie Sisterhood. Perhaps this is my chance to get out!”

“Are you insane? The chances of you surviving the modifications are next to none!” I heard another femme argue.

“I’m still gonna try!”

“It’s your funeral.”

‘The Valkyrie, eh? This may be my chance.’ I thought, drying off and looking for the femme who first mentioned it. I eventually found her leaning against a nearby wall.

“Hey, are you the one thinking of escaping the Pits?” I whispered, making sure none of the Pit guard were near.

“Yeah, gonna go and join the Valkyrie. I’m tired of being a Pit fighter. You in?”

“Yes, but we are going to have to sneak out through the old tunnel system. What’s your name?”

“I’m Nova, you?”


“Wait. You’re… you’re Ghostwalker, aren’t you!” Nova whispered excitedly. “Oh sweet Solus Prime! You were the one who busted me out all those cycles ago!”

“Shh! No one needs to know that. If Swindle ever found out I was the reason his slave trade became nothing but rubble, he’d sell me for scrap. Now, c’mon, we need to break out through the tunnel system. There is an entrance to it in the Bloodworks.”

“The Bloodworks? Are you crazy?! That’s where the high-ranking gladiators are! We’d be scrapped!”

“One of them owes me a favor. He’ll help us.”

“Yeah, and who did you get buddy-buddy with?”

“Megatronus.” Nova froze in absolute shock.

“How –“

“Long story, basically an Insecticon got loose, and I saved his aft from getting eaten.”

“That… wow.” Nova said in surprise.

“Now enough talking, and let’s get outta here.” We snuck out of the upper gladiatorial barracks, taking a very creepy stairwell down to the Bloodworks. I knocked 3 times on the entrance.

“I don’t know about this Y/D.” Nova said nervously.

“Just keep close to me, ok?” I said, the door cracking open.

“Who goes?”

“The Ghostwalker.” I said, the door opening wider. “She’s with me. I need to speak with Megatronus.” The doorman nodded, and we made our way through the Bloodworks. Bots of all kinds watched us as we passed, many having a hint of lust in their optics. I kept Nova close and shot daggers from my optics at the mechs who decided to come too close.

“Megatronus, the Ghostwalker wants ta talk ta ya.” The doorman said, catching the attention of the hulking gladiator. He looked over to me with a cocked ridge.

“Thank you. I can take it from here.” Megatronus said, dismissing the other mech. The large silver mech approached us, Nova hiding behind me. “It has been a while since we last saw each other. You are taking a great risk.”

“I have to, an opportunity for us has opened and we need to take it.” I said. “I am cashing in on that favor.”

“And what is it that you need?”

“Access to the tunnel systems. I know there is an entrance here in the Bloodworks, but we can not access it without your help.” I said. “Please.”

“Stay close to me, both of you.” Megatronus said, leading us deeper and deeper into the Bloodworks. Eventually, we came to a small hatch that he forced open. I looked up to the mech and gave him a small smile. “Be careful, you two.”

“We will, and good luck with your meeting with that Orion bot.” I said, Nova and I diving through the hatch and into the underbelly of Kaon. After hours of trudging through the various sewer systems, we finally reached the city limit and climbed out through a storm drain.

“Remind me to NEVER go underground again.” Nova said, shaking off the muck from her frame.

“I led you out. Now it’s your turn to lead. Where are we supposed to go?”

“We need to get to Vos. The Valkyrie are reforming there, and I have a contact who can help us get in.” Nova said.

“Who is this contact of yours?”

“His name is Starscream, dorky mech and a bit clumsy on the ground, but Primus does he rule the skies. C’mon, I know a rendezvous point where I can com him.” I followed Nova to a bare outcropping. I waited patiently as she called this ‘Starscream’ person, wondering exactly who he was. Shortly after, a swirling green portal opened up. “That’s our ticket in. C’mon, let’s go!” Nova dove through the portal, and I followed suit.

We emerged on the other side in the seeker city of Vos, and it was beautiful. Tall towers cut into the sky, seekers of all shapes and sizes darting about above us. It was definitely a sight to behold.

“Nova!” I heard a mech call, I turned my helm and watched as a silver seeker approached us.

“Starscream! Thank Primus, you got my signal!” Nova exclaimed excitedly. “Oh, this is Y/D! Y/D, this is Starscream!” I locked optics with the mech, and I felt my spark flutter in my chassis.

“Y/D? A beautiful name.” Starscream said. “But both of you must be exhausted from your ordeal.” Starscream then escorted us to a nearby habsuite, entering the code and letting us inside. “Washracks are down the hall there, and I’ll have some energon ready for you two.”

“Nova, you go first, ok?” I said to the younger femme. Nova nodded and headed down the hall. I turned to Starscream and curiously eyed the mech. “So, I bet you are wondering why we are here?”

“Nova said she wanted to join the Valkyrie after finding a way out of the Pits. I assume that’s what you two are after?”

“Lucky guess.” I said, stretching my very sore frame.

“How did you manage to escape?”

“Wasn’t easy, I’ll tell you that. I had to cash in a favor with Megatronus and essentially escape through the old tunnel systems than run under Kaon.”

“Beautiful and clever? How did a femme like you end up in the Pits?” Starscream said, causing me to become extremely flustered.

“It’s um, a difficult story to explain.” I said, my faceplate becoming a light shade of blue. “But um, I um…”

“You’re adorable when flustered.” Starscream smirked.

“Am not!” I huffed loudly with a pout.

“Starscream, don’t make Y/D all flustered!” I heard Nova call from down the hallway, eventually returning to the main room with a much cleaner frame. “Sometimes you can be a pain in the aft.”
I shook my helm and went to the washracks, coming out a few moments later much more comfortable than before. We stayed with Starscream for the night, the high-grade Vosian energon knocking Nova right out and having both Starscream and I a giggly mess. I watched as the seeker tripped over straight up nothing and fall right into my arms.

“Lightweight.” I teased, Starscream nuzzling my chassis. I sighed and carried both him and Nova to the berths, one under each arm. As I laid Starscream down in his berth, I felt him pull me down and under the covers. I yelped in surprise as the drunken seeker clung to my taller frame. He buried his face into my neck cables, softly venting as he went into a recharge. I chuckled at this and, for the first time in what felt like millennia, went into a deep and peaceful recharge.
I was the first to awaken the next morning, an old habit of mine. I managed to escape the still recharging seeker and slip out onto the front porch. The sun was just peeking over the edge of Vos, cascading rays of warm light. It was quiet and peaceful. No wonder the seekers thrived here. As the sun rose, I heard the sound of light pedesteps approach me.

“You’re up awfully early.” Starscream said, settling next to me. “I… wanted to apologize for last night.”

“There’s no need to apologize, Starscream. You were drunk, and it wasn’t anything dangerous. It was… oddly comforting.” I admitted sheepishly. “It’s a shame it can’t happen again.”

“Well, the Valkyrie Sisterhood have always been a part of Vos, so I don’t see why not.” Starscream said.

“I… I think I would like that.” I said with a soft smile. Once Nova was awake, we said our temporary farewells to Starscream and headed towards the center of Vos. There, we saw a small group of femmes with beautiful angelic wings and strong, unique looking frames. One looked over to us and smiled.

“Nova, Y/D, I see you made it.” She said.

“How do you know our names?” I asked suspiciously.

“Galactica kind of knows everything.” One of the other femmes said. “I’m Pulsar! This is my twin Quasar! And that’s Nebula and Stardust!”

“A pleasure to meet you all.” I said, bowing my helm respectfully. Galactica ushered for us to follow, the other femmes dispersing elsewhere.

“I hope you both understand the risk you are taking. Becoming a Valkyrie is not for the weak willed.” Galactica said.

“I’m not weak in the slightest!” Nova confidently said. “I’ve survived a lot of scrap.”

“Be cautious, young femme, pride can lead to your downfall.” Galactica said, looking at Nova with a soft, maternal smile. “However, I must admire your enthusiasm.” She then looked at me with a curious gaze. “You, however, are quite the mystery. A hard one to read.”

“I prefer it that way. It is safer to be an enigma.” I said.

“Understandably so for someone like yourself. But the past ends here and so begins your life anew. The first step is your metamorphosis.” She gestured to some very old looking cells with ancient Cybertronian lettering. “Step inside one of the cells, relax your frame, and let the change commence. If you survive this, you will rise up.” I hesitantly entered one of the cells, closing my optics and relaxing. The door to the cell closed, and I felt cords wrap around my frame, parts of me shifting and changing. It was extremely painful, but I could not move or scream. I saw flashes of my past dart in my mind, the many battles I faced in the Pit, the enslavement, my worst nightmares. Horrors of the past and flashes of the present poured into my mind like a waterfall. It was overwhelming, and I wanted to break free. Eventually, the pain stopped, and the rushing of thoughts did as well. Slowly, I opened my optics, the door to my cell opening, and I stepped out.

“Whoa! Y/D, you look SO COOL!” Nova exclaimed, pointing to the wings and my new armor plating.

“The Sunshard has given you the frame of a Spark Seer. The same as myself.” Galactica said. “How do you feel?”

“It feels… strange, I must admit.” I said, looking down at my various shades of (f/c) and silver armor. “But I think I will get used to it.”

“Excellent, now for your turn, Nova.” Galactica said, Nova eagerly hopping into the cell. I watched as the door sealed her inside, worry striking my spark.

“Is she going to be ok?” I asked anxiously.

“Only time will tell. Her will is strong, and as long as she remains that way she will survive.” Moments later, Nova stepped out dizzily, falling to her knees.

“Nova!” I gasped, rushing over to her. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, oh sweet Solus Prime, that was a ride.” She said groggily. She shook her helm and, with my help, managed to stand up.

“The Sunshard has given you the Warrior frame. A true battle maiden.” Galactica said. “You both passed the first trial, and now we shall train you to guard what we value most.”

Nova and I became close friends during our training and she would help me sneak off to visit Starscream whom I had fallen helm over pedes for. The goofy seeker taught me how to fly and do all sorts of aerial tricks. It was like we were meant for each other. We were happy, at least I thought so. One dark evening however, Vos went under siege, and I rushed to find the sister’s.

“What’s happening?!” I fearfully asked.

“Decepticons are attacking the city!” Galactica said. “We must protect the Sunshard!” All of us followed her lead as we went to the chamber that held the shard, only for me to gasp in horror at Starscream holding it.

“Starscream! What in Primus are you doing?!” I exclaimed.

“You were a fool to trust me, Y/D! Now I possess your precious relic!” he cackled.

“Over my lifeless frame!” I cried out, charging at Starscream and wrestling for the shard. 

“What do you think you are doing?!” Starscream barked.

“Stopping this madness before it consumes us all! You have no idea of the power the Sunshard possesses!” I managed to yank the shard from Starscream, kicking him into a wall and running over to Galactica.

“We must shatter the shard!” Galactica ordered. “The Decepticons must not possess it!” Galactica drew her battle-axe and smashed the shard into pieces, one for each of us. “Scatter to the stars, sisters! Keep the fragments safe!”

“But –“

“Go! And may the winds keep you safe!”
A/n 2293 words. Wowza. So I hope this gives a better understanding of my made-up totally not cannon mini-faction. Toodles!

Edited 30/4/23

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