Part 2

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Shivi was not able to believe what she heard from her father that his real father want his daughter to live like her husband's maid that she just has to produce kids

She cried sliently in her room and blaming God

Shivi - why did why? Why you did this to me? Why you made me this beautiful that no one is ready to love me for my real self everyone is loving me only because of my beauty

Shivi cried for few minutes and then her tears stopped coming because she was bearing this insult from a very young age whenever she denied from marrying a prince her father used to insult her like this only

Shivi used to feel disgusting when she used to see man looking at her with full of lust in their eyes when they used to look at her that they will eat her whole anytime

Shivi was not able to control herself and left the palace to get some fresh air

SF - where the hell do you think princess you are going?

Shivi - dad I am just going to get something from the market

SF - no need to go anywhere just stay here the prince of Jumpol clan is coming to see you go and get ready

Shivi was out of her mind and shouted - I am not going to see him at any cost I know him very well he is just trying to marry me so that he can get our territory.. I am not going to get ready

Shivi left the palace and was not knowing where she was going but she only wanted to get somewhere she can relax and keep her mind fresh, she did not wanted to marry a person who will not even look at her and not care about her

Shivi was walking and walking when she realised that she has come to the industrial area of the clan

The area was very famous because of a factory which was owned by someone who used to not belong to royal family and neither he had any connection with them

Shivi was over impressed to know that a person can do and become world number 1 business without any connection with the royal family

It was hard for her to believe but then she thought why not she go and visit the factory just to see how they are working and what they produce

Her father never allowed her to visit this area and he used to tell her a lie that if she come here she will get kidnapped then they will sell her which used to scare her the most but as she is here she was not able to see a person that whom she can suspect that she can be kidnapper, all were very happy and we're not even paying any attention towards her

Shivi somehow reached the factory and saw a very beautiful lake near the factory she wanted to see the lake so without wasting any time she went and sit near the lake

She saw the lake was very beautiful blue color and very peaceful she was thinking of about whatever had happened to her and when suddenly she felt her tears are coming out she was looking at her image in water when suddenly she saw a new image in the water as the sun was setting down the image was not very clear but she can feel that someone was behind her so without wasting any time she got up and when she was about to see the man's face her leg slipped and she fell in the water but the man tried to hold her but they both imbalanced and they fall in the water

Shivi was very scared so she started trying to come out of the water but she turned her ankle when fell in the water so she was enable to get out but then she felt a arm hand around her waist she got surprised and was looking at the owner of the hand she saw a very manly person helping get get out of water somehow they both got our of the water.

Shivi was shivering as it was already night and cold wind was blowing and her wet clothes were also not supporting her

She looked at the man and saw that the man's white shirt is sticked to his body and is making very thing visible

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