Part 4

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Momo  - what to do you mean?

Shivi was not able to stop her emotions and she started crying

Momo was not able to see her crying so he came near her and hugged her

Momo - shhh.. Don't cry you can tell me everything and I will try my best to help you and after all consider me as your friend

Shivi - you know I am a princess and don't have the right to become a queen and rule my territory and neither I am sad about it but you know everyday a prince from each territory came to see me and I am to tolerate their lustful eyes.... You know how it feels when they try to touch me, when the look at me with those eyes I think that I want to die

Momo - I am sorry to hear that bit you can tell your father about this thing

Shivi - I have but he blames me that I reject them, he think that I am just to fulfill my husband needs and give heir to their family so that their family can groe but never once in his life has he thought about me. I even told him that I want to love a person before marrying him but he said that love does not exist on this universe

Shivi was crying very much which was stressing momo as of shivi do not stop crying she will not be able to breath properly

Momo - shhh don't cry I have a solution for your wound

Momo went and brought a bear bottle and two glasses, momo pored bear in glas and offered it to shivi but shivi denied it

Before momo can say anything shivi grabbed the whole bottle and drink it all

Momo was tuned what had happened but he let her so that she can relax her mind

Shivi was fully drunk she was not able to even sit properly

Momo made her lie in the bed and was adjusting the blanket when shivi dragged him above her

Mono - what are...

Before momo can speak anything shivi made her lips match with momo's lips

Momo was controlling himself but shivi was not letting him control himself

Suddenly momo felt the kissed has stopped so he opened his eyes and saw shivi

Shivi was removing her shirt but momo tried to stop her

Momo - what are you doing? It's wrong pls don't do this you will regret it after

Shivi - I am just fulfilling my father's wish he said that I am only to produce kids so let me produce kids

Shivi started removing momo's clothes and sucking momo's skin

Momo's junior was now awake now and he was standing in pride

When shivi was it she unzipped momo's pant and made the junior free momo was controlling for so long but when he felt shivi 's tongue on this hot stick he was not able to control and then led the way

He come on top of shivi

Momo - miss you have made me do it so dob't forget

Shivi - I will not forget

Shivi removed shivi's remaining clothes and started sucking her neck

Shivi was not able to control her moans and was moaning loudly

Momo slowly sucked every body part of shivi and then started fingering her hole

Momo - ahhh you hole is so pink and looks so tasty

Momo for few minutes tortured shivi's hole and then allowed his hot long stick to go inside shivi

When momo entered inside shivi she was not able to control his moans

Shivi - ahhhhh mohsin slow down its paining

Momo - Shivangi you are very tight I am enjoying it

Shivi and momo spend their whole night making love with each other and around 4 in the morning they both stopped

Momo shooting his last sperms inside shivi, he lie down near shivi, both were breathing heavily

Shivi lie on top of momo's chest

Momo - Shivangi baby you are very heavy leave me

Shivi - shut up

They both slept in each other arms for a few minutes then shivi got up and changed into her yesterday's outfit and left for the palace without telling momo

Around 8 am

Momo got up from sleep and searched for shivi

Momo to himself - I will not let you go this easily miss shivi and I promise that this was not our last night but it was only the starting

Thanks for reading
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