Part 10

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Momo - okay let me hide it

Momo pushed his stick inside shivi in one go and shivi screamed loudly

Shivi - ahhh momo what are you doing?

Momo - you only said to hide it and see I hide it inside you it is the most safe place for my stick

Shivi and momo both laughed happily and they never know when they got dressed and we're out of the warm tub

Momo was side hugging shivi and they were cuddling with each other

Momo - wifey what do you think will be the gender of our baby?

Shivi - I think it's a boy

Momo - what but why? But why? Are you sure that it is a boy? I mean that it can be wrong also right?

Shivi - You don't want it to be a boy

Momo - I want to have a boy but I want that my first child should be girl which will be the exact copy of you and you know I always wanted to be a dad of a girl

Shivi - but why?

Momo - so that I can pamper her and spoil her I will protect her from all the evil and make her strong like her mumma

Shivi was happy to hear it and kissed momo's forehead

Shivi - I love you so must and you will be the best dad in the whole world see even the baby know that

Shivi take momo's hand and put it on her belly and they both feel the baby

The next day

Today was the day when momo and shivi will finally marry each other and will become one in the eyes of everyone

Both shivi and momo were very excited an nervous at the same time, they both were very happy and were waiting for the time to come

And lastly the time came shivi was wearing a very beautiful red gown and momo was wearing a white suit

The wedding started momo and shivi were stealing looks from everyone and everyone was very happy that finally they are going to get a new king and they were very happy for their princess

Every clan was invited to the wedding and all the prince who's proposal was denied by shivi were invited.

Things were going very smoothly and momo was making sure shivi was happy

Momo put her hand on shivi's belly in such a way that no one notice it

Momo - baby you are happy na that mumma and dada are getting married

Shivi - the baby is very happy that his parents are getting married and he is present in all the things

Momo - yes baby you are very lucky that you are able to see your parents getting married

The wedding got over and momo and shivi were finally announced as husband and wife

Shivi was very happy that thinking that how can she love him that much that she is willing to give up anything for him

The crown ceremony started shivi was feeling very proudly looking at her husband becoming the king of her clan and taking the oath

Shivi - baby see you dada is becoming king you are very proud of your dada na mumma is also very proud of him, you know he is waiting for you to come so come fast or no don't come fast come on your time mumma and dada will wait but don't make us wait for long

After momo was crowned as the king of joshi clan then comes the turn of shivi

After completing the rituals and taking the oath, shivi and momo were announced as the king and queen of joshi clan

Shivi was on cloud line she was not able to understand anything now she is the queen of joshi vlan and finally she is wife if momo and married the love of her life

After 9 months

Shivi was breastfeeding her son while her husband was looking at her with lustful eyes

Shivi - hubby stop staring at me I am not doing anything new

Momo - baby after feeding him can you also feed me I am ald very hungry

Shivi - no I will not feed you this milk is only for my cute son

Momo without giving any warning he jumped on shivi's another nipple and started sucking it

Shivi pushed momo because he was biting her nipples and she was not able to concentrate on feeding her son

Momo - baby this milk is so tasty I am jealous of him he can drink it but I can't

Shivi - hobby stop complaining and I pushed you because I was not able to concentrate on feeding him and If I don't feed him properly then he will get up in middle of our process of making another baby, so now let me feed me because I don't feed him than you another junior will not be satisfied

Momo - kissed her forehead Aww my sweetheart only thinks about me thank you okay you can feed him but let me also taste you

Shivi and momo were very happy with each other and when their son was born it will like cherry on cake, he increased the love between shivi and momo

But still momo have a dream of having a cricket team of his kids and is working on it with his only co partner shivi and hope so in 11 years it will get complete

The End

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