Part 6

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Shivi returned to the palace but she was only thinking about the night which was making her blush and skip her heartbeats

Then suddenly Sf returns and saw shivi smiling and blushing

SF - what's the matter with you and where were you last night anyways get ready we have a guest visiting us today and I want you to dress very beautiful

Shivi - okay father I will get ready

Later the evening

Shivi was getting ready and was not able to forget what happened last night and stop herself from blushing

Maid - princess the guest has arrived and the king is calling you

Shivi - okay you can go

Shivi was getting nauseous all of a sudden but ignoring she went towards the guest room when she entered the room she got surprised to see the guest as it was no other than momo, she was happy from inside to see the guest but she can't make them see her excitement when suddenly she black out and fainted

Momo who saw this rush to hold shivi before she touches the ground

Momo - call a doctor fast

SF - Mr khan you can leave her to the maid the maid can take care of her but tell me about your business and don't worry it is just her act

Momo was not able to understand, who's father keeps business at his priority when his single daughter has fainted and is clearly not acting and is asking the servants to manage her

Momo did not pay much attention to the kings words and asked him where shivi's room was and also ordered Simon to send a doctor to the palace

Momo was very worried about shivi condition and was praying that nothing has happened to her on their other hand SF was not at all concerned and he was busy dealing with his own affairs

The doctor came and checked shivi, he checked her pulse, her eyes and her own body, seeing the doctor checking shivi in a serious manner was scaring momo was very nervous that his hands were shaking

The doctor who saw momo's condition assumed that momo was shivi's husband

Doc - congratulations Mr. Khan you are going to become a father

Momo was stunned after hearing what the doctor has told so he again asked the doctor

Momo - doc have you checked her carful? Are you telling the truth? Is she really pregnant? I am really going to become a father?

Doc - yes sir, princess is really pregnant and seems like she have conceived yesterday only

Shivi who heard it was scared that will momo accept the child or not as momi did not have any expressions on his face

Momo take out his expensive watch and handed it to the doctor

Momo -thank you doc you have given me the happiest news of my life

Shivi who heard the words was now relaxed as she was very happy that she can finally have her own family and her husband will not create her as a machine you produces kids

The doc left the room and there was only momo and shivi in the room. They both were happy but did not wanted to start a conversation

Momo - so when you will you marry me?

Shivi - sorry?

Momo - I am asking when are you ready to marry me

Shivi - I can't marry you, you don't belong to royal family and moreover you don't have your own territory

Momo stand from the seat and lay beside shivi and carsed her womb

Momo - so you are saying that you want to marry me before the baby arrives

Shivi - see I am not joking, you don't belong to a royal family and a princess can not marry a person who does not belong to a royal family

Momo moving his palm in circles to feel the baby

Momo - see I know you are only saying this because you are very desperate to marry me and believe me I am the same

Thanks for reading
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