Part 3

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Shivi was shivering and was also not be to stand the man's handsomeness so to avoid the situation she thought to return to the palace but as she was about to stand up her ankle hurted and she screamed

Shivi - ahhh

Shivi was about to fall when again the person held her right and made her sit in the stone

The man tried to touch shivi's ankle when she refused

Man - don't worry I will not harm you... Let me introduce myself hello myself Mohsin Khan and I am the owner of the factory I saw you were sitting here all alone so came to say hi but then this happened

Shivi - hello myself Shivangi Joshi I am the princess of this clan

Momo - oh sorry I didn't know that you were the princess but by the way why are here and why we're you crying

Shivi - it's nothing I think I should return to place else my father will be worried

Shivi was about to stand when momo again made her stop my holding her wrist

Momo - don't worry you can tell me what you were suffering from and then maybe I can help you and I ensure you that your secret will be safe with me

Shivi was not able to speak as she was shivering due to the cold wind

Momo - okay you can tell me later let's go to my room and then you can change your clothes and also I can apply lotion on your wound and then I will ask my driver to leave you the palace

Shivi - no please I don't think it will be right and pls don't trouble yourself I am okay and I can return on my own

Shivi was about to stand when momo stand and picked her in a bridal style and made his way in the factory

Shivi - what are you doing mohsin pls leave me someone will see us and you know na rumors related to royal family spread like a fire in the forest

Momo - yes I know that is why I am asking you to stay in the factory because no one will come here and all the labour had left so you will be more comfortable here

Shivi - okay thank you for troubling yourself to held me

Momo - don't say anything and just hold me tightly or else you will fall and then you will not only hurt your ankle but something more

Shivi wrapped her hand around momo's and allowed momo to carry her

It was the first time that a man has seen her without lust in his eyes and who had not made shivi uncomfortable

Momo made shivi lie on the bed and opened his suitcase and gave shivi a shirt

Shivi - I did not expected that you will have a very nice room in your factory

Momo - I don't live here but one time I used to live here so I made a room for myself so that I can work late in the night

Shivi - it is a nice idea

Momo - princess you can go and change your clothes or you will fall sick

Shivi was about to stand but because of her pain she was not able to stand which was noticed by momo

Momo - princess you can change in the room and I will change in the bathroom

Shivi agreed and was feeling very happy because it was the first time that someone has cared about her and know her feeling without her telling it

Shivi and momo both changed into new clothes and momo hanged the wet clothes to dry

The shirt shivi was wearing was only hiding her half thighs

Shivi was not comfortable but she didn't had any choice other than to be in these clothes

Momo returned with a gel in his hands and put shivi legs on his thigh and started massaging her ankle

Momo - Are you feeling better now?

Shivi - yes thank you

Momo - if you dob't mind can I ask you one thing.. Why were you crying after all you are princess and you have very thing that a person needs..

Shivi - that is the problem that I am a princess and that too I am very beautiful 

Momo - yeah yeah you are beautiful

Shivi - but I hate this, I hate that I am a princess, I hate that I am beautiful to

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