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Zoe's fit ^^

                       Tw this chapter contains
                                Sexual assault

                       Tw this chapter contains                                       Abuse                                     Swearing                                 Sexual assault                                       Drugs

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I was bashed against the wall again and again till I fell on the floor with a loud crash

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I was bashed against the wall again and again till I fell on the floor with a loud crash. I pleaded with him to stop but he ignored my request and kept hitting me. I fell onto the floor in tears and he slammed the door behind him as he left the living room. I sat there for a while crying till I got up and hobbled to the bathroom. I wiped my blood and tear stained face and examined my bruises.

This had been going on for the past few weeks he would get angry I would get angry he would hit i would apologise. It's become a routine. I had move out of Steve's and moved into toms at his request. The first few days were good. Nice. Peaceful. But after a week he got aggressive. Again.

I hadn't seen my sister, the band, anyone in weeks. There all bad influences anyways. All I need is Tom. Because he's the only one who loves me or cares. Only him.

I wiped my face and left the bathroom. I knocked quietly on the bedroom door and asked Tom to let me in. He swung open the door and I flinched when he did. "I'm sorry baby I won't do it again it's all my fault I'm really sorry" I said to him with a small smile. "It's fine" he said looking down at me. I hugged his abdomen and we both hugged it out.

I fell soon went to bed and fell asleep on toms arms.  I woke up and limped to the bathroom and ruffled my hair up a bit before brushing my teeth and applying a shit ton of concealer to my bruised eye. I walked out and limped back In the room where Tom was sat. He was facing away from me and I walked round to his side to see him making lines with a white powder. I scrunched my face and sat down next to him. He lowered his head and snorted one of the lines. He then looked up at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Want any"? He asked me offering the small tray to me. "What is it"? I asked he chuckled a bit "just try some" he said and I hesitantly leaned down and snorted a line. I immediately held my nose as it felt really sore and my body instantly felt weak. I lay on the floor as I felt i would fall over as Tom snorted the last line and looked down at me. "Don't be such a baby" he said as he walked past me and into the living room. I stared up at the ceiling convinced any second I'd close my eyes and wouldn't be able to open them.

I felt like the floor was absorbing me and I closed my eyes. When I opened them again I felt rough. I slowly sat up and looked at the bedside clock 9pm it said and I groaned. I slowly got up and walked into the living room greeted with Tom. "Get ready we're going out" he said "I'm not feeling too good baby maybe you should go I'll stay here" I said softly. He got up and began walking towards me. I felt a sting on my cheek as I realised he'd slapped me. I held my face and let out a tear.

"When I Tell you to do something you fucking do it now go and get ready" he said coldly and I walked off to our bedroom. God why was I so difficult why didn't I just do what I was told. I got ready into a white jumper and a plaid skirt and paired it with my Mary janes and white frilly socks. I left the room pushed my Auburn locks behind my back and net him at the door. He pulled me close and we caught a cab to some house that had music blasting from inside.

I got out the taxi and walked round to toms side. He slipped his arm around my waist as we walked inside. There were a lot of people there and I struggled to squeeze past people in the tight hall. We entered the living room and Tom was greeted with a boy who I hadn't seen before. And I held onto toms arm so I wouldn't get lost but he shrugged me off and approached a girl who it seemed like he knew. I sighed as I walked over to a table which had a few bottles of booze on it. I never used to drink.

I grabbed a clean cup and poured myself a shot of vodka. I downed it as I walked over to a sofa and sat down on it. I was surrounded by skinheads and drunk weirdos who made me uncomfy and an easy target to them. I felt the sofa beside me dip as I look over and see a scrawny looking skinhead looking at me like prey. Soon enough he started to try make conversation with me. "Hey sweetheart what you doin ere with this lot" I ignored "you don't look like the typa girl to hang around party's like this" I ignored once again "oi I'm talking to you" he said aggressively as he stroked my thigh with his finger.

"Get off" I yelped shoving his hand off me and looking around nervously trying to locate Tom. I found him. Unluckily for me he was too busy necking that same girl from earlier to notice my distress call. I felt powerless as the guy moved closer and began touching the rim of my skirt.

I shoved him off as I began panicking even more and tried to get up. He held my body down tho and I began shout for help. The music was way too loud tho and everyone was too drugged up to notice my panic. He stroked my cheek and covered my mouth as he pulled me up and tried to drag me away.

We didn't get far tho as the grip on my arm loosened as I look up and see Josh punching the guy. I felt relief as he turned and hugged me. I began to cry as he brought me outside. He sat me down on the grass and began to ask if I was alright. I tried to speak but no words came out it felt like all the air had been taken from me. He sat down next to me and kept reminding me to breathe which I did. I finally calmed down and opened my mouth to speak. "I don't know what happened"? I mumbled "what are you even doing here"? He asked with concern

"I came with Tom" I mumbled again he furrowed his eyebrows as he opened his mouth to speak "you mean that guy from the bar"? I nodded slowly "but he was just"- he tried to say "I know" i said as he put his arm round me.  We sat on the grass for a while but it was really late and we were both tired so he helped me up and we began walking down the road. "You got anywhere to stay" he asked. I thought for a second before nodding.

We approached the hideout and I let out a breath nervously as I knocked the door. All of a sudden the door swung open and Steve stood there shirtless. His eyes widened at the sight of me and we all stood there awkwardly. "Hi Steve" I said looking down.

Hey guys so I decided to continue with the book but the chapters will be slow atm so bare with me 💀

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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