001. Help me

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KATE'S POVIowa city, IA | 9:21 AMсладкая красота▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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Iowa city, IA | 9:21 AM
сладкая красота

It was early in the morning and I couldn't get my mind off of how me and Nadine ended things last night. I was on my way to jada's dorm because I really needed advice right now and seeing as Nadine was her friend, she should help. I knock on her door before softly pulling at my hair. It took a while but Jada opened the door, yawning and rubbing her eyes.

I don't think i've ever been this desperate for anyone as much as I am for Nadine. Anybody could tell how much I liked Nadine, it wasn't like I was hiding it but it's also not like I wasn't hiding it. "I need your help."

"With?" Jada says as she moves to the side to let me in. She's always been there to help me with Nadine. Actually she was the one that introduced me to my girlfriend — was she still my girlfriend? Of course she was my girlfriend, what am I thinking. We did things that friends don't do like kiss, make out, go on dates, and other stuff.

"Nadine." I voiced out. I'm surprised she didn't already know this, seeing as I always come to her for help when it comes to Nadine. "Oh right I saw you guys at that restaurant yesterday — well not in person but like through all of the different articles." Jada says, obviously trying to be funny.

As anxious as I am, now was not the time for jokes. "Jada, i'm being serious. I'm — i'm not sure what to do and I don't want to lose her." I complain, walking back and forth in front of her.

"Look Kate, if you really want her then fight for her. Show up to her house with a beatbox, playing taylor swift or get her something she'll like. This is Nadine we're talking about, she's probably feeling a lot of emotions right now." Jade said as she watched me walk back and forth. She looked like she was fighting the urge to go back to sleep which is practically my fault for showing up this early.

My head shot up and I started excitedly shaking my head. "Wait! That's exactly it. Jada you're a savior!" I raised my hand to stroke my fake mustache, earning a laugh from Jada. "Ehh but she only listens to Taylor Swift because I love her music." I started to bite my lip, still walking around and letting my thoughts run.

I gnaw at the insides of my cheeks. "Actually I'll figure out what to do on my way to her house." I say and make my way to the door. I was about to walk out of the dorm when I heard Jada started clapping. "Yeahhh go get your girl!" Hearing her say that encouraged me even more about going to Nadine's house.

I walked out of the dorm and towards the elevator, waiting for it to open up so that I can get on. It didn't take long for the elevator to land on the floor, when the door opened I got on and pressed the first floor. The ride down was comforting, I got to think of things to do for Nadine. The elevator door opened and I walked out and exited out of the front door of the building.

My car wasn't parked close so I walked for a little then crossed the street. I got my car keys out and unlocked it, getting in and starting the car up. I wasn't in the mood to listen to music, meaning that it was a quiet ride. On the way there, I saw an open store. I pulled up to the place and got out of my car. I walked in the building and immediately went to the flowers.

There was a lot of different ones but this orange/reddish small bouquet stood out to me the most. I picked it up and continued looking around. There wasn't many people in here which isn't surprising since it's 9AM. I went to the chip aisle and got her favorite of chips. There wasn't anything else I could think of, I went to the register and started to ring up my stuff.

I payed then walked out of the store and back to my car, getting in and setting the bag in the passenger seat. Now i'm back on my journey to Nadine's house, a little bit more happier than before. Her house wasn't far so I got there pretty quick. I took the flowers into my hands and got out of the car. I walked up to the front door and knocked. Two seconds it opened and I was facing Nadine.

"Hi beautiful." I say, knowing how me calling her nicknames makes her all flustered but this time she frowned at me. Her not giving me that usual pretty smile she always gives me made me feel upset "Kate what are you doing here." She asked, inspecting me from head to toe. Nadine crossed her arms and avoided eye contact. God I missed her angelic voice.

My beautiful girl looked like she hadn't slept in a while and her eyes were puffy, dried up mascara under her eyes, lips plump. And yet even though she looked like a mess, she was my mess and still as gorgeous as ever. Our gazes stuck on each other and for a quick moment she looked happy I was here before she let a frown appear on her face. "I know I messed up last night."

Nadine's eyes softened and she looked like she was so upset with me. I tried to give her the bouquet and she took it. That seemed to brighten our mood a little. Seeing her smile made me want to smile but I held back cause her feelings were more important this time. Clearly all of this was taking a toll of both of us mentally and physically.

Nadine started talking but I had already pulled her into my embrace. She hesitates for a moment before carefully wrapping her arms around my neck while my arms wrapped around her waist. "I'm so so sorry baby. I didn't mean to upset you and I really do want to make us work."

Tears were practically pouring out of my eyes at this point but I didn't want her to see that so I pulled away and moved my face away from her. "Baby? Kate look at me please." Nadine moves closer and carefully clasp my face in between her hands. "I'm not upset — well not anymore. This isn't entirely your fault so I shouldn't treat you like it is and I should've understood that instead of walking out on you last night, leaving you feeling a lot of emotions." She cupped my face and leaned her forehead against mines.

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