Chapter 1

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 Chapter 1: Misplaced

Word Count: 4125

"Talk to me, Reed!" I yelled back at my RIO. No response. "Reed!" I turned my head around to try and see what was going on with him. He was down, his head against the controls.

"Shit! Reed's down!" I barked into the coms, trying to control my plane. The flat spin set out the left engine. My hands moved frantically as I tried to stabilise the F-14. The only option left was to eject. The plane rattled, throwing me away from the lever. With all the force I could, I pulled the lever, sending us into the air.


It's been three weeks since the incident. Reed had lost most of his arm. Nothing was left where his forearm and hand would be, cutting his arm off just above the elbow. It guilted me despite his constant reassurance that he doesn't blame me. If I had just been a better pilot, the MiG would have never shot us down.

The pair of us were a pair to be seen in public. I had stitches along my cheekbone, leading back to where my ear should have been. Reed missing a huge portion of his arm added to the terror we presented. It was a sight, that's for sure. What was more shocking than how little damage we took, was the acceptance into the Top Gun program.

"C'mon Shark, Ice boy isn't gonna scream when he sees your perfect devil smile is messed up," Reed jested. I was seeing my brother today, considering we both were entering Top Gun. Just like every other aviator, we were going to the bar for the night.

"It's not a devil smile. It happens to be a smile shared between us Kazanskies," I told him with a deadpan stare, accompanied by me chewing gum. Even without emotion, the man still got a kick out of it.

"Oh yes, every man will want that," Reed joked. He was sometimes a bit too much to handle. Reed knew how I would respond. I'd take it as a challenge.

"Oh yeah? Well I'd like to see you try to even get a kiss from a girl"

"Is that a challenge?"

"You bet! First one to get a kiss gets drinks on the other. Bed someone and the other pays for an entire round," I smirked while chewing my gum. I was feeling risky, knowing he could never get any girl. With our challenge set, we walked into the bar, not knowing another group had a similar challenge.


"Okay it's my turn, isn't it?" Goose asked his friend, leaning against the bar. Maverick hesitated before nodding in agreement.

"Okay, your turn," he agreed. Goose muttered an 'okay' before thinking.

"Let's see . . . So, the bet is $20, and the gag is you gotta have carnal knowledge . . . of a lady," Goose told him with a smirk, seeing how Maverick didn't seem phased.

"No problem,"

"On the premises," Maverick's eyes widened. That was a bet he was not prepared for. He would have to try hard for this one.

"In the bar? C'mon Goose!" Maverick complained. Goose only nodded his head.

"Deal's a deal. It's my turn to say," He told his friend. Goose knew that Maverick would struggle with this one. Any man would struggle to get a girl within a few hours at most.

"Goose, that is just not fair," Maverick crossed his arms, "to you. I mean. In this target-rich environment. Make it $50!" he declared with a swig of his beer after. Maverick scanned the bar for his next victim. That's when a girl caught his eyes. He watched as she walked, which did not go unnoticed by Goose.

Maverick quickly finished his beer, about to approach the girl, but another man beat him. "Damn, that's Iceman!" Goose exclaimed. His friend only rolled his eyes, being able to make the observation himself. Goose looked over at Maverick. "You can't seriously be thinking about her. She's another aviator!"

Shot Through the Heart // Maverick x Reader {Top Gun}Where stories live. Discover now