Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Success at Last

Word Count: 2512

Even with my eyes closed in the morning, I could tell something was different. Something, or someone, was pressed up against my back with an arm around my bare waist. I could feel the subtle puffs of warm air from his breath on my neck.

I placed my arm on the bed and pushed myself up, only for Maverick to pull me back down. "You're not running off on me now," he promised, his arms wrapped securely around me. A blush tinted my cheeks. This was most definitely a first. The only thing I really knew how to do was run from it, but it was inevitable now.

"Okay," I mumbled in agreement. Maverick let out a hum in satisfaction and placed a kiss to the back of my head. A small smile graced my lips. We laid in bed for a while, neither of us saying a word. Eventually Maverick sat up and stretched his back.

"I'm going to take a shower," I raised a brow at his comment and sat up myself. Maverick got out of bed and threw his pants on.

"You can't just walk out there. Reed will see you," I told him, but he dismissed my concern with a grin.

"I think Reed would be more than happy to hear you got laid," he wasn't wrong, but he had no need to say something as embarrassing as that! I took a pillow and threw it at him, hitting him dead straight in the head.

"Go take your damn shower!"


I didn't get out of bed right after he left. I had laid around a bit before getting dressed for the day. As I buttoned up my jeans, two hands snaked around my waist and a head laid on my shoulder. Maverick's sopping hair left damp patches on my shirt.

"Morning," he mumbled, causing me to laugh.

"You already said that this morning," I countered. He smiled and nuzzled his nose into the crook of my neck. "I'll be ready in a bit. You could go bother Reed," I said as I adjusted my jeans.

"I'd rather stay right here," Maverick replied. His grip around me tightened and he hoisted me into the air from behind, causing a shriek to leave my throat.

"Pete!" I exclaimed, only receiving a laugh. He fell backwards onto the bed with me on top of him. It wasn't particularly a soft landing on his chest.

"Relax! Just lay with me for a bit before you finish getting' all dolled up," I sighed, giving up and slumping back. Maverick had a hold over me I didn't quite understand.


Maverick left the bedroom, finding Reed in the kitchen. "Have fun last night?" the RIO asked with a smug grin.

"Absolutely. I can't believe you never made a move on a woman like that," Maverick stated with a smile, running his hand through his wet hair.

"And I can't believe you made a move on Iceman's sister. You can expect your ass six feet under once he finds out," Reed commented. In front of him on the counter sat a coffee pot which the RIO had been watching, waiting for his coffee to be done.

"Is that what he did with the other guys?" Maverick crossed his arms. He wasn't afraid of Iceman and almost saw it like an achievement to have his hands on something Iceman says is off limits.

Reed snickered. "There hasn't been any other guys," Maverick was, to say the least, shocked. The reality of the situation suddenly came crashing down on him. It was why she ran away at the bar, why she was worried about Ice, why she pushed him away, and why she had been so hesitant the entire time. Although it was a relief to know it wasn't something he was doing, he now knew he had been her first in everything.

Shot Through the Heart // Maverick x Reader {Top Gun}Where stories live. Discover now