Pool Day

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Taehyung POV:

The next morning came and we all were eating breakfast.

I was sat at the table a little aways from Jimin whose arm was around Yoongi's shoulders. Yoongi was eating slowly but every now and then pressing kisses to Jimin's cheek. Jimin smiled every time he did and I couldn't help but stare at them in awe.

Remembering how Jimin was so obsessed with him and now is in a relationship with him and Hoseok too? It didn't feel real.

Jungkook and the girls were sat on the couch watching cartoons. The girls finished eating a little while ago, but Jungkook decided to eat on the couch.

I looked over and Hoseok and Namjoon eating at the counter and Jin was cleaning up the kitchen as he already finished eating as well. Every now and then he would walk over to Namjoon and kiss his temple.

3rd Person POV:

Taehyung just observed his friends and how their relationships seemed so perfect. He wondered if him and Jungkook were like them too. He wanted to be like them with Jungkook.

Only he wanted to be like them for real. He didn't want to act like he cared for him. Jungkook had become so important to him in such a short period of time.

He watched as Hoseok got up and stood behind his boyfriends. He took Yoongi's water glass and took a sip of it. Jimin leaned his head back on Hoseok's stomach and puckered his lips at him. Hoseok smiled down at him before bending over to peck his lips. He pecked Yoongi's head before walking back to his seat.

Taehyung watched them with an amazed stare. He was jealous. He wanted what they had. He looked over at Jungkook, his "lover" who sat only feet away from him.

Suddenly, Taehyung got up and walked over to the couch where the rest of his family sat. He squeezed himself between Jungkook and Aerum who quickly sat herself in his lap.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a questioning look. Taehyung only shrugged at him with a smile. He sat up quickly pecking Jungkook's cheek. Jungkook looked a little shocked but a large bunny smile stretched across his face. Taehyung blushed a little before turning his attention back to the cartoons. He just wanted to experience what he had been watching happen with his hyungs all morning.

He only wanted to do it with Jungkook. That thought filled his mind with fear but his stomach with butterflies.

"Today is pool day! We are hanging out in the backyard, and we will have barbeque for lunch." Jin announced from the kitchen.

The girls started to cheer in excitement.

"Should we go get ready?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes!" They both exclaimed, Miso jumping in Jungkook's lap trying to get closer to Taehyung to take them to get ready.

Taehyung lifted her and walked off to their room, Aerum following close behind.

Jungkook watched the three disappear into the room, a smile never leaving his face as he watched his family walk away. He kept thinking of how Taehyung kissed his cheek. He was so happy that Taehyung had opened up to him. He knew he still had a lot to learn about the boy, but he knows they will have plenty of time to get to know each other.

In the bedroom, Taehyung had already changed into his swimsuit and put on his sunscreen. He felt cold so he put on one of Jungkook's larger sweaters, it reaching his lower thighs, sleeves engulfing his hands.

He changed the girls into their one piece bathing suits and put sunscreen on them. He put floaties on Miso's upper arms. Aerum put on her small pink sunglasses and they were all ready to go.

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