Amusement Park

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Taehyung's POV:

Jin pulled up to the amusement park and all of us squealed as we looked at all the tall rides through the window. Most were out of excitement, but Hobi's was definitely out of pure terror.

Jin parked the van and we all got out to walk up to the entrance. I held Miso who was bouncing up and down in my arms, while Jungkook was stopped to help Aerum tie her shoe. I waited for them while the rest went up to buy wrist bands for us.

After paying and going in, the day was ours. Me and Jungkook smiled at each other as we walked passed the rides and booths of games.

"Mama! Can we get cotton candy!" Aerum squealed as she tried to run to the booth of cotton candy. Luckily, Jungkook's strong grip on her hand prevented her from running off.

"Maybe later." I answered as I smiled down at her.

"Don't try to run off like that, baby. If you get lost all of us will be scared, we won't be able to enjoy our day if you aren't with us." Jungkook said with a smile as he caressed her small hand.

I stared at him in awe for the small act. He was so gentle with them. He was such a pure person.

I let out a small, dreamy sigh before turning my attention back to the world around us.

3rd Person POV:

"Okay, daddy." Aerum responded as she watched the cotton candy booth.

They walked to a shady spot off to the side to make a game plan.

"Okay, it's lunch time so I was thinking we could get some food first. Then we can all go ride some stuff and play some games and regroup at dinner if we get separated?" Jin said.

Everyone nodded and made sounds of agreement to the plan.

"Where should we get lunch?" Yoongi asked, leaning his back against Hoseok's chest.

"I want American food." Namjoon said.

"I want Korean corn dogs!" Jimin said.

"Oooh, corn dogs sound good!" Jungkook added.

"Okay, then how about this. Whoever wants corn dogs can go with half the money and whoever wants American food can go with the rest." Jimin said.

Everyone agreed again.

"Hand up for corn dogs, down for American." Yoongi said as everyone got in a circle.

"3, 2, 1!" Jin counted down and everyone's hands decided the food they wanted.

Namjoon, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Aerum brought their hands up to the sky while Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook, Jin, and Miso lowered their hands.

They dispersed into their designated groups, Taehyung handing Jungkook Miso then taking Aerum's hand in his.

"Okay, everyone get food and then we can meet at a picnic table to eat together." Jin said as they went to their chosen restaurants.

Everyone ordered and got what they wanted. They all met back up at a picnic table. Jungkook immediately sat down beside Taehyung at the end of the table, gently placing Miso in his lap. He wrapped his arm around Taehyung's waist as they waited for everyone else to get settled.

Aerum sat on the other side of Taehyung, Yoongi beside her, then Jimin. Then on the other side of the table was Hoseok across from Jimin, Namjoon beside him, then finally Jin.

All ate as they talked about the rides they wanted to go on.

Half way through lunch, Jimin got up to walk over behind Hobi. He wrapped his arms around his shoulders and hugged him back against his chest.

"Don't worry. We don't have to go on any rides you don't want to go on." Jimin said quietly in the males ear. He could tell how nervous Hobi was. All of them could.

He wasn't talking much, and all his smiles were forced. He just looked uncomfortable and it was hurting all of their hearts.

Hoseok wrapped his arms around Jimin's that were around his shoulders, trying to relax in his hold. Yoongi gathered up Hoseok's trash and walked over to throw it away. When he came back, he bent over and placed a kiss against Hobi's forehead. He wasn't as touchy as Jimin, especially in public, but this was enough to show Hobi that he was there for him.

The others watched the three with warm hearts as they saw how precious their relationship was.

"I'm okay, guys." Hoseok said with a much more real smile than his previous ones.

Jimin kissed his head before walking back over to his seat. They all finished their lunch and got ready to go on their first rides.

"Everyone meet back here by 6:00 so we can get some dinner." Jin said.

Everyone nodded before heading their separate ways to ride the things they wanted to. Jungkook, Taehyung, and the girls decided to go on the easier rides for them first. They weren't going to take the girls on the hard rides.

They rode spinning cups, played bumper cars, and let them play in the kids center, Jungkook wrestling Aerum in the foam pit. Taehyung watched them while laughing and taking goofy pictures of the bunny boy.

They spent the next two hours jumping on trampolines and playing in obstacle courses with their daughters. It was the most fun Taehyung had had in a really long time.

Miso jumped on the trampolines into the foam pit over and over again. Aerum rode the zipline into the mesh landing more times than they could count.

It wasn't something they would have done if they weren't with kids, but hearing their giggles and getting to mess around like the kids they still were, was so relieving for both of them.

When the girls were done in the kids center they decided to ride some more of the easy rides. They rode on a few that were short and just small bursts of adrenaline so they could fulfill their kids needs before their own.

At this point, Taehyung was on cloud nine. His smile never left his face. They got Aerum her cotton candy, Miso had picked out a candy she wanted too. Their babies were happy, and it was the most exhilarating feeling for both of them.

Now Jungkook wanted to go in the arcade. They all went in, Aerum immediately going to the dance revolution game. Miso joined her and Taehyung helped them start it up so they could play a few rounds.

Keeping his eyes on them, he walked over to the game Jungkook had immediately rushed to when they walked in. Pac man.

He stood beside him as he played the old arcade game. His face had a concentrated frown and his hands moved the joy stick quickly to escape the ghosts. Taehyung giggled at his face as he leaned against the machine, still watching his daughters dance a few feet away.

"Yes!" He heard Jungkook cheer. He looked over to find him moving up in levels. He smiled at the bunny boy, admiring him as he played.

He saw his daughters finishing the dance game, a few tickets popping out of the machine. They squealed as they collected them.

He walked back up to them.

"Did you guys get some tickets?" He asked, bending down to caress Miso's hair.

"Yes! Look Eomma! We got 32 tickets!" Aerum said in excitement.

"Good job, baby!" He cheered for her.

"Can we play that game?" Miso asked, her little finger pointing to another game.

"Go ahead, just stay together." He said with a smile as he watched them run off to the game.

He turned to get Jungkook but found him surrounded by a group of girls.

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