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3rd Person POV:

Late morning of the next day, Taehyung woke up feeling refreshed.

His face was puffy but he felt well rested.

The first thing he did was grab his phone to text Jungkook and Jimin.

'I decided to stay home, Chim. But I feel great now. Would you go with me to the first football practice later?' He sent to Jimin.

'Good morning! I just woke up. ;3' He sent to Jungkook.

He slowly stood up from his bed before making his way into the bathroom.

While brushing his teeth, he heard his phone ding.

'Good morning, baby <3 How do you feel ?' Jungkook responded.

Taehyung smiled. Even the way he texted was cute.

'I feel good. Definitely well rested! How's school?' He replied.

'Good, and I'm glad you feel better. Jimin is whining a lot because you aren't here -_-!' Jungkook texted.

Taehyung giggled.

'Hmm, are you sure Jimin's the whiny one?' Taehyung responded with another giggle, finishing his business in the bathroom.

He waited a minute before he got a text back.


Taehyung laughed.

'I gotta go, I'm gonna get my phone taken. I'll see you later, baby. <3'  Jungkook sent before Taehyung could send anything.

'Okie! See you soon >3<!' He sent before walking back to his room and changing into more casual but still comfy clothes.

He heard his phone ding again, walking over to check it immediately.

'Sure, I think Jin is going too because Namjoon is on the team. I'm glad you stayed home to rest, but I miss you!' Jimin sent.

Taehyung smiled lovingly at the text.

Jimin was his soulmate. He loved him more than himself and the fight they had yesterday was already forgiven and forgotten by both.

'Okay yay! I'll see you soon then, so no more whining!!' He sent before starting to work on his art project.

——Time Skip——

The end of the school day came and Jungkook stood outside of the locker room with all his gear.

He wanted to see Taehyung and make sure he was ok, but he had been so busy all day he hardly got the chance.

He held his phone and went to his contact.

Calling: Baby<3

He held the phone to his ear and listened to it ring.

"Hello!" Taehyung said, his voice sounding happy and excited when he answered the phone.

Jungkook immediately smiled.

"Hi, love. How are you feeling?" Jungkook asked as he leaned against the school wall.

"I feel great! I'm with Chim and Jinnie right now! We are on the way to school now!" Taehyung said with a boxy smile.

Jimin was driving them, they were all making jokes and in good moods. Taehyung couldn't stop laughing.

"Oh good. I have to start in a minute so I won't be able to talk to you probably until after. Coach is strict here." Jungkook explained.

Rings of Fate * TaeKookWhere stories live. Discover now