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Taehyung's POV:

"Who pissed in your cereal?" I asked. 

Jungkook started to take big steps towards me but was cut short when a loud yell was heard from upstairs.

"Mama!" Aerum called and I immediately made my way to the stairs.

"What is it baby?" I asked as I walked into the girls' room.

Miso was on the floor crying and thrashing her arms in the air while Aerum looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"Jungkook!" I called and he immediately rushed in the room, his angry expression was replaced with panic as we looked at the upset girls.

I walked towards Miso and picked her up off the ground, resting her on my hip. I wiped her tears away gently with my thumb and kissed her cheeks to calm her down. It's something my Eomma used to do with me, it seemed to work because Miso stopped whining almost instantly and stuck her face in my neck.

Jungkook went to Aerum and started to help her pick up the spilled markers I didn't realize were there until now.

"Aerum? What happened?" I asked gently.

Then she finally burst into tears and my heart broke. It looked like Jungkook's did too because his face turned down in worry and he swept her up into his arms. She started to bawl in his shoulder which made him start to bounce her up and down in his arms.

I was surprised to see him acting so well with her. Jungkook hasn't always been the gentlest but he has been gentle with me lately.

We shared a confused and worried look as we held our children. We both slowly sat down in front of each other with the girls in our laps.

I watched as Jungkook caressed Aerum's hair and quietly shushed her to help her calm down. Once both girls were calm we asked again.

"What happened baby?" Jungkook asked as Aerum pulled out of his neck.

"I-I just wanted t-to draw but M-Miso wouldn't let me have the m-markers. I told her they were m-mine but she didn't l-listen." She started to explain.

When Aerum said Miso's name, I felt Miso push her face further in to my neck like she didn't want to hear the conversation.

"She pulled the markers a-away from me a-and they spilled everywhere. I-I got angry so I p-pushed her d-down." Aerum finished, both girls looking down like they were ashamed.

"Miso, is this true?" I asked gently.

She nodded her head slowly as tears started to spill down her face again.

I sighed and looked up at Jungkook who was looking at me.

I looked back down to the girls.

"You both did something you weren't supposed to do. i hope you both know this." I said.

They both nodded and Miso started to sob a little.

I sighed and lifted her up a bit. She was so tiny I barely had to use any muscle. I turned Miso around to face Aerum who was already facing us.

"Miso, you know we share things, especially with our family. If you wanted to use her markers you could've asked or just let her use them with you. Everything we own is for everyone to use, not just you." I said looking down at Miso who nodded.

"Words please." I said.

"Yes Mama." She said, her voice cracking.

"Aerum, we never, ever push people down. We don't hit, push, shove, or use any type of violence against another person, especially our family. I understand you were angry but we never hurt others when we don't get our way, do you understand?" I asked in a slightly sterner voice.

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