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- One more - Someone orders at the bartender.

- Hey, take it easy, it's already the fourth shot.

- Hmpf! - rolls their eyes and raises eyebrows, reaffirming the order.

It wasn't a fancy bar, it wasn't a nightclub, but it wasn't just any dive in the city alleys either. Someone needed a drink before doing something, and someone was about to meet someone important.

A woman approaches from behind and touches the shoulder of the person casually leaning on the counter.

- Kitsune? - a woman with a tired look, as if she had seen too much in life. Dressed all in black with cybernetic tattoos all over her body, the woman asks.

- Who wants to know? - Mei replies, already a bit tipsy from the drink.

- Does the name Fiorentino ring a bell?

Miss Fiorentino was, like many others, and like Albert McCoy, a fixer, as those mercenaries who had gained such credibility on the streets of Alpha City that they no longer needed to submit to small jobs. Now, they planned and distributed jobs to the new generation of mercenaries. She was also the leader of the so-called "CyberMob."

- Miss Fiorentino - Mei stands up and tries to compose herself as quickly as possible - Sorry, I...

- I want to introduce you to someone.

Right next to the woman, a guy dressed in a blue kimono and carrying a samurai sword. Not a technological sword, but a common one.

- This is Shimura, your partner in the next job. You know that discretion is of the utmost importance, as I explained earlier - Miss Fiorentino nods her head towards Takehiro - However, we also need a skilled hacker, which is your job.

- Okay, seems fair - Mei sizes up Takehiro from head to toe - Shimura, right?

- You can call me Takehiro, Miss Kitsune.

- Miss Kitsune? For the love of God. Just "Mei" is fine.

- Humpf - Fiorentino releases a small amount of air through her nostrils, accompanied by a brief smirk - Looks like you're going to get along after all.


A few weeks pass, and after a long period of studying the mission, preparation, and occasional trips to the bar, finally, the mission is completed. All of this to get a small loot that needed to be delivered.

- Well, now we need to take this to Miss Fiorentino - Mei looks over her shoulder at two large boxes in the back seat of the car - But I'm starving; we could grab something to eat, right?

- I'd prefer to deliver this right away; you know what's inside - Takehiro doesn't take his eyes off the traffic as he speaks.

- Nanobot injections, synthetic organs, and a bunch of junk, blah, blah. Come on, just five minutes. There's an octopus dumpling stand around the next corner.

Takehiro lets out a long sigh, as if struggling not to agree - Okay, but let's be quick.

- Yes! - Mei cheers.

The car is parked with great care, and the two get out. A small stand, a small vendor, and a small holographic sign with a childlike drawing of an octopus and "Takoyaki" written in Japanese characters.

- Irashaimase! What will the couple have? - says the vendor, with a very heavy Japanese accent.

- Two dumplings, uncle! - Mei makes the number two with her fingers and smiles at the vendor.

- Coming right up - the vendor turns around and starts preparing.

A few minutes pass, and awkward silence takes over. Having little to say, the two seem to exist only there. Mei leans on the counter in front of the cart, and Takehiro looks around, arms crossed.

- Ready, here it is!

- Thank you - Mei takes two trays with half a dozen dumplings each, steaming hot - Here's yours.

Takehiro takes the tray, and unconsciously, his fingers brush against Mei's, becoming slightly embarrassed - Did he say "couple"?

- He did, but I didn't mind much. Why?

- Well, nothing, just curious.

- So, you don't find me attractive? - Mei plays with her hair and winks at Takehiro.

- No, it's not that... It's just that... - Takehiro tries to say something, obviously embarrassed, becoming a bit red in the cheeks.

Mei interrupts with a hearty laugh - Stop being silly; I'm just teasing you.


The octopus in the holographic sign had a specific expression, a very similar expression to Takehiro's at that moment. Something between "tense" and "trying to look away."

- You look like an octopus - the girl says.

- What?

- Octopus face, like the sign.

Takehiro looks at the sign but still doesn't understand.

- Tako. Octopus. I'm going to call you Tako.


The two return to the bar and meet Miss Fiorentino sitting at a table. It might seem strange for the leader of one of the main gangs or mafia in the city to be sitting alone, without any escort, in a bar in the middle of nowhere, but rest assured, it's just an impression. Along the bar, you can identify several men and women in white suits, a bit outdated, fedora hats, and violin cases on the table, probably holding Thompson 2100 submachine guns, scattered, almost camouflaged, if it weren't for the attire and Italian accents being so obvious.

Each brings one of the large boxes from the back seat of the car and places them on the table. Miss Fiorentino seems satisfied, without saying a single word, drags two plastic cards in the colors of the Italian flag across the

table to the duo, who promptly collect their payment. Mei goes towards the bartender, leaving the two alone, and before Takehiro could do the same:

- One more thing. I need you to do something for me, Shimura. There's a café that has been suffering attacks and robberies from the local gang; can you handle that?

- For the right price.

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