Where your gaze meets mine

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You, darling, might think your eyes are boring and bland just because they are brown
But here is what you don't see

Where your eyes are brown they remind me of the soil that makes my plants thrive
The trees that let me breathe
the rocks under a small river flowing through a forest

Your eyes remind me of the colour of light that shines through my windows just before the sun slips beyond the horizon
Your eyes are the colour of leather-bound books and coffee
And when the sun hits them just right they are golden

Your eyes are the most beautiful things i've seen in my whole life
And even better
They meet mine

My green eyes meet your brown ones in the trees
Where the plant sprouts from the soil
Where the river rocks are hidden by moss
Where the books are hidden behind all the plants in my room

Your eyes meet mine and it's like I could get lost forever, and if I could, I would

Your eyes are beautiful and I really wish you would see that

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