Update (I'm NOT dead)

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Good evening, good morning, afternoon, whatever.

Currently listening to Without a Whisper by Invent Animate. Check it out when you get a minute, it's a great song.

I really don't like when someone does update chapters, just because I get excited for a new chapter and find out it's just an author spewing some nonsense. Usually it's important to them though, and that's exactly why I'm writing this.

If you couldn't tell already, I am definitely not updating this. I wrote this during a time when I was much younger... some point in high school I believe?

Which feels like years away compared to now. I've matured a lot, and matured out of a lot of things. This story is one of them, well, collection of stories.

I'm going to leave this posted, just in case someone wants to steal an idea or concept from my writing infancy. Send your writers my way hopefully? I may have written something cool, or they may want to read the original idea, no matter how short it is.

This... is not my greatest work by any means, but it's still my work regardless. I read it every once in a while just to see how far I've come from before.

I'm gonna write a few other things and test the waters on what I enjoy and what I don't. Once again, I wrote these one shots due to my inconsistency when it came to writing. If that wasn't evident, well, hopefully it is now.

Anyway, to any previous reader reading this, or any new reader that stumbles upon this, take it easy, and I hope your journeys end well.

- Author

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