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Hiro attempted to turn the doorknob for the umpteenth time that night. He continued to knock on the bathroom door over and over, as if his life would end if it didn't open for him. Her audible sobs were heard loud and clear, sending a shiver up Hiro's spine after every one. It was as if she had been neglecting him for the past few days, all of her sorrow and desire culminating in this very moment. Hiro slammed his fist into the door one final time, dropping to his knees as he finally admitted defeat.

"Zero Two, please just let me in. I'm begging you. I hate seeing you suffer... but for you to keep shutting me out even after you promised to be open with me... it makes me hate myself. Please, just..." He said as he set his head against the door, tears threatening to stream down his face.

Zero Two continued to cry her eyes out as she thought about everything she had done to Hiro and all of his friends. The fights and the exclusion. The manipulation and sorrow. The fear and slight terror. She kept blocking him out. I don't deserve someone like him. I don't deserve his kindness, his drive. After all, I'm just a monster that was using my fodder like prey. She continued to wallow in her depressed state, ignoring his calls and slowly but surely shutting everyone else out of her life.

She slowly stopped crying, her body ceasing the abrupt motions that racked her body. She lifted her head slightly, just so it was elevated enough to see the bathroom floor. She readjusted herself from the back of the bathroom door, just enough so she was given the illusion of comfort on the porcelain tiling of the floor. She heard Hiro talking from the other side of the door, finally deciding to listen instead of tune him out.

"...probably don't care what I have to say. Even if you aren't listening, you should know that I'll always be here for you, no matter what. Through life, through death, and maybe even past that point, if it exists, of course. As long as I've known you, I've never really felt this feeling before. It's like a pang, right where my heart is. It keeps me up at night, you know. Every time I close my eyes, I see you, with your beautiful cotton pink hair, your scarlet red horns... that I wish you'd let grow out, your sharp teeth that I'm weirdly attracted to, but that's besides the point. I-I think... I think I love you, Zero Two." Hiro sat down against the other side of the door as those last words slipped out of his mouth.

She smiled hearing those words. A smile she couldn't really describe. She wiped off her tear stained face as she recalled all of the fond memories she had with Hiro. She remembered the first time she met him at the lake, with her undergarments in his hand. The speech he made as she was being sent back to the front lines. The whipping of her grey overcoat in the wind as they ran hand in hand to Strelitzia, openly defying Papa and his orders, not that they weren't strangers to that. She remembered crying and holding him in her arms after almost killing him through stampede mode. She remembered the first time they met, the last words rolling out of her mouth, "Darling! Darling!" She remembered breaking free of Papa's control, living a life with Squad 13 among the Earth, with Hiro by her side. Her vision fogged as she began tearing up again, this time out of happiness instead of sorrow.

She sat in silence for a few minutes, contemplating what she had just heard. She felt somewhat obligated to respond to his declaration in an appropriate manner. She grabbed the doorknob, practically ripping the door off its hinges with the amount of force she used to open it. Hiro immediately jolted up, catching a glimpse of a tear-stained Zero Two as she practically jumped atop of him, straddling him as she passionately kissed him on the lips. She forced all of her love and thankfulness into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around Hiro's midsection, finally coming up for air a few moments later.

"Ne, Darling." She said, a sadistic smile on her face. "So you love me, huh. I guess you practically forced me to come out with that confession, didn't you?" She pecked his lips once more, noticing the look of confusion and worry on Hiro's face. He smiled, contemplating on his words before he opened his mouth. "I knew it would work, didn't I?" He triumphantly said.

She let another smile grace her features. "I only would for my darling though, wouldn't I...?" She took the words out of his mouth again, placing her lips upon his once more. She then began travelling down from there to his cheek, then his jaw, all the way down to his neck, where she planted kisses all around. She slightly pinched the skin around his neck with her teeth, gaining an audible cry from Hiro as he somewhat struggled in her grasp. He grabbed her face, pulling it back up to his lips as he finally kissed her for once. She separated her lips from his, giving him a pouty look. It then transformed into a passionate smile.

"Have you considered moving in with me, darling?"

ABS0LUTE ZER0 (TW0): A Collection of Zero Two/Hiro One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now