College Life

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When you begin life away from home, the first thing on most people's lists is to be rebellious and do as you please. Second on that list is a place to stay, to reside. Teenage priorities are sure mixed up. Anyway, Hiro and Zero Two realized this, after being best friends for years. All the way back in second grade, elementary school, when the two ran through the woods for the entire day. The school staff wasn't the happiest about that one. Nor the police department. Nor their parents. However, that's besides the point. The two decided to move into their own apartment after their first, awkward, year of college.

They both went to Mistilteinn University, and to say their first year was bad was an understatement. Luckily, they had all of their friends, and of course, each other. Not to say that they were the most loyal friends all the time, especially Zorome. He liked to jump ship pretty fast when things went bad. As the year progressed, and the group found their place in college society, things began to get better. That's a story for later though.

Zero Two set the last box in the back of her Jeep. It was a brand new two-door Jeep Wrangler. She had worked for countless hours in an attempt to get that thing, somehow able to afford the pitch black vehicle during the end of her high school summer. She sighed in relief, noticing Hiro sitting on a bench near her former residential complex. She walked over to him, plopping down right next to him, her legs almost giving out in exhaustion. Hiro gave her a look of disbelief, wondering how she managed to fit all of those boxes in her cramped backseat. He opened his mouth to ask the question, when Zero Two put a finger over it.

"I don't know how I managed it, don't ask me." She smirked, predicting his question. Hiro let out a discontent grunt, crossing his arms and looking away from her. "I was kidding!" She said, shoving him off the bench. In all honesty, Hiro had a crush on Zero Two since middle school. He just didn't want to say anything in fear of losing her friendship. After all, her so called "darling" she obsessed over was definitely not him. He didn't remember a single thing she had mentioned. Deep inside, he wished that he was that darling, her darling. He wished that she would obsess over him instead of a long-lasting crush from her early days of elementary school. But alas, he also realized that not everything in life would skew his way. So he kept quiet.

Kept quiet he did. Hiro said nothing, all the way up to the point they're at now. Hiro and Zero Two got in her car. She turned the keys, the loud roar of the engine heard as it came to life. She drove off toward their new apartment. They soon arrived, minutes later. Hiro's Chevrolet Silverado seen, all of the boxes strapped down inside of the truck bed. Pretty soon, they got the keys to their new apartment, and began the unload. They had rented a two-bedroom apartment, Zero Two obviously getting the master bedroom. After a few hours, everything was unloaded. The hardest part was probably the attempt to fit the loveseat and recliner in through the doorway. And carry it up a flight of stairs. That wasn't the greatest adventure they'd had.

"Finally done!" Zero Two exclaimed, falling down onto the loveseat, taking up all of the space. Hiro gave a pouty look. "Hey, I wanted to sit there too..." He mumbled. Zero Two heard, moving her legs slightly, just so he could fit in the space she made. "Help yourself! Maybe?" She said, a teasing grin on her face. "You know what, I'll just sit on the recliner." He slowly sat down, his legs and back aching from moving box after box up the stairs. "Good idea. Now I have all of this to myself, so you can screw off!" She exclaimed, pointing at him. "I'll get you back for that one, just you wait!" Hiro said, sitting up slightly. Zero Two's phone started to vibrate. She picked it up, seeing it was a call from her mother.

She answered, obviously. She probably would've gotten killed otherwise. Her mother was the only one she showed respect for, at least most of the time.


ABS0LUTE ZER0 (TW0): A Collection of Zero Two/Hiro One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now