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Zero Two sighed, holding a shivering Hiro. She had found out first hand that the all-confident Hiro was scared to death of horror movies. Good to know for future reference. She held him tighter as he let out another yelp, some scary scene most likely happening in the background. She wasn't really paying attention, though. She was more focused on the brown-haired boy in front of her, her darling. A feeling of pure happiness practically erupted in her brain.

The night had gone really well so far. First, they went to get dinner. That usually never happens, since they usually work at the same time. They planned this out for the next day they had off. She had one of the best dinners she had ever had that night, and the food wasn't the only reason. The only issue she had was this recurring vision, depicting these blue alien-type creatures being fought by large robots, piloted by a variety of people she knew. She chose to block it out and save it for another time.

After their splendid meal, they decided to go ice skating. She had done so a lot in the past, so she was an expert. Hiro on the other hand... not so much. The majority of their time at the rink was spent with Zero Two laughing at her beloved as he plummeted onto the hard surface over and over, and the fact that there was nothing he could do about it made it even more hilarious. After their eventful time there, they went back to their home, where they settled down for a movie. Of course, Zero Two picked a horror movie, not knowing that Hiro was so very frightened of them. At least she knew for next time.

Zero Two soon snapped out of her memory, glancing down at the shivering Hiro. "Ne, darling. You know we can just cut the movie off, right?" She whispered in his ear. He looked up at her, pure terror plastered on his face. "B-b-but you-you're watching it!" He said. "I'm definitely watching you more than this movie, darling. I'd rather turn it off and focus on what's in front of me." She said, dragging her fingers across his cheek. He shuddered once more, cutting the Netflix on the television off. You would assume that the two would then in turn do some... questionable things, but that wasn't the case between this couple.

Hito turned toward Zero Two, wrapping her in his arms. She gave him a smile, pulling him into her chest as she leaned back on the couch, angling herself so he was more comfortable. Hiro turned crimson red afterward, realizing a few moments later exactly where his head lie. "Uh, isn't this a bit compromising, Zero Two?" He questioned. "It's okay, darling. I already told you that you're better a little pervy." She playfully jabbed at him as she wrapped her arms around his head. "Plus, you said you liked my chest earlier, didn't you darling?" He blushed before rotating slightly to the left, getting comfortable before shutting his eyes. "Goodnight, my darling." Zero Two said before closing her eyes as well. More images flashed through her brain, this time of a dome like structure, the mechs housed inside of it. There was a large building, reminiscent of modern architecture. Hiro and Zero Two were seen running through it over and over. She opened her eyes again, not understanding what she saw. When they closed again, the memories vanished, as if they were invisible ink.

Hiro woke up, the morning light shining through the blinds in their shared room... in their room. He wondered how he got here, looking around to see Zero Two on his left. She probably carried him without waking him up. Somehow. He sighed, trying to get up before feeling Zero Two's arms clamped around him like a vice, preventing any sort of movement. He's seen firsthand what happens when he tries to wake her up, so he just decided to sit there and deal with it. He wraps her arms around her once more, melting into her embrace.

Zero Two mind was somewhere else at the time. Her mind imagined bright blue skies, followed by dusty terrain. Gundam-like robots fought these blue and black insectoid creatures, klaxosaurs someone said maybe? She was inside of a red and white mech, utterly destroying the alien creatures, a sickening smile on her face as she continued her psychopathic rampage. "I'll keep killing them over and over, until I become human!" She said, letting out a demonic smile as she stabbed repetitively into one of the klaxosaurs. "Zero Two, what are you doing? Stop it!" Ichigo said, attempting to pull her away in her mech, Delphinium?

Zero Two responded to the gesture by grabbing the mechs arm with her own, effectively slamming it into the ground. "Don't try to stop me, fodder." Someone tried to stop her, a voice reminiscent of Hiro trying to reach out to her. She brushed it off, continuing to slam her fist into Delphinium. Ichigo's screams we're all that was heard for a short while, suddenly ceasing after a certain time.

Zero Two jolted awake, slamming her hand into the nightstand next to the bed in her room. She looked around once more, seeing a distressed Hiro holding her close. Sweat beaded on her forehead as she began to cry into his chest. "What happened, Zero Two? Zero Two?" Hiro tried to ask, drowned out by her wails. "Darling? Darling. Darling!" She mumbled as her sobs died down, leaving the two in just a hug. She pressed her lips to his as the two sat together in their bed. "This kind of feels like deja vu doesn't it, darling?" She suggested, slightly smiling. "Maybe so. Maybe you've dreamt about the same dream a few nights in a row because it's actually real?" He suggested.

Zero Two woke up, again. This time, she was in her bunk in Mistilteinn. Hiro was on the floor next to her bed, leaning up against it as the moon beamed in through the window. "You awake, Zero Two? I can't sleep." She looked at the back of his head in confusion. "Is this a dream too, darling?" She questioned. "I don't think so? Did something happen?" He retorted back, giving her a confused look.

"Nothing, don't worry about it, darling." She turned to fall back asleep, Hiro climbing next to her.

Or did she?

Kind of a short story. Wanted to make a simple idea a bit more... confusing per se. Nothing too heavy though.

Little bit of an interlude before the second part of Champion of the Sword pt2.

Take it easy.

ABS0LUTE ZER0 (TW0): A Collection of Zero Two/Hiro One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now