New Year's Eve

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New Year's Eve is always seen as a special thing in some societies. At least for all of Hiro's friends, that wasn't really the case. It never really appealed to anyone in his group, the whole proclamation of "a new year" used just as an excuse to get wasted and party hard. Sure, maybe his family celebrated it for a short time period at 12:00, but it was never anything more than that. Things started changing when Zero Two came into his life, however. At first, she adopted the same tradition as Hiro and all of his friends, never even bothering to care about the occasion. That slowly changed over the years, where she would soon end up always going out with friends, popping the occasional bottle of champagne around 12:00. It escalated pretty fast from there. There were nights where she would come home completely smashed, barely able to walk as Ichigo carried her into her room. There were also nights where she came in with other guys, much to Hiro's distaste. The aftermath from those events obviously wasn't the greatest, usually culminating in Hiro holding Zero Two's hair up in their shared bathroom, the contents of her stomach leaking into the toilet bowl for hours on end.

This year, however, was a little bit different. Ever since they confessed their feelings for each other, the two had been inseparable. Due to this surprising chain of events, Hiro would end up going to whatever party she decided to go to this year, all their friends in tow. Did he think it was a good idea? Absolutely not. Did he expect to enjoy himself? Somewhat. He had made up his mind that he for sure would not regret spending his New Year's Eve with his one and only, Zero Two... and their friends, of course. They had all agreed to meet up at Zero Two and Hiro's shared apartment a few hours before, in order to get ready for the events to come. He sighed as he sifted through his closet, attempting to find a nice shirt to wear. He decided on a pink button-up, paired with some ripped black jeans. He had a pair of pink vans, identical to his shirt. He had some of those fake glasses too, which both Ichigo and Goro had recommended he buy on their last shopping trip. He laid down in the bed, waiting for Zero Two to come get him. She was running late, as usual. She took forever to get ready. He decided to get up and go to the living room, where all the other guys were waiting.

"Finally Hiro! You take forever to get ready, it's like you're a grandma or something! Since when have you had glasses too?" Zorome exclaims, pointing at Hiro like he was an idiot. In his defense, he at least knew the girls would take ages to get ready. After all, Zero Two was a master at putting things off for last minute. "I'm not a grandma, Zorome. I just know they'll take forever to get ready." Hiro deadpanned, sitting on the couch next to Mitsuru. "He's not wrong though. What's taking them so long?" Goro said, setting his feet on the coffee table. His black boots made a thud as they hit it's wooden surface. "I mean, what do you expect from girls that party like Zero Two and Ichigo? You'd think they'd drag their friends just the same?" Hiro said. As soon as he closed his mouth, the girls walked out of the door. Hiro obviously didn't really notice any of the other girls, in comparison to Zero Two. He never really did before, anyway.

The first thing he noticed was her hair. Slightly curled at the ends, matching with her perfect face. She had a little bit of makeup on surprisingly, since she normally despised the usage of it. Her horns were the same as usual, grown out a few inches, with a bend about halfway through. She had a slight smile on her lips, her aquamarine eyes gazing into his soul. Of course, he had to notice everything else about her too. She wore a black long-sleeve sweater, her shoulders exposed, with a pair of red leggings to match. She topped everything off with black loafers, matching the color of her shirt. She had a long white coat in her arm. Hiro practically melted into the couch after seeing this, a very pleasant look on his face. "If I died right now, I really wouldn't mind after seeing that amazing girl." He thought.

As everyone indulged in the girl's appearances, they began to give off looks of disgust. Well, everyone except Zero Two, of course. "I'm in heaven!" Goro exclaimed. "You guys are really staring at us like a bunch of perverts, aren't you!" Miku said, stomping her heel on the floor. Zero Two had different ideas, however. She walked up to Hiro with a smirk on her face. "Ne... darling? You really like staring at me, don't you, pervert?" She seductively said as she sat on his lap. "I see you tried to match with me too, hmm? So cute of you, darling." She smiled and kissed his cheek. Hiro somewhat squirmed in her grasp, but he was somewhat enjoying it. Meanwhile, everyone else stared at them, appalled. "Is she gonna do this all night?" Zorome exclaimed as he gave off a weird look toward the couple. Ichigo had a look of happiness, along with a small unnoticeable tinge of jealousy. Although she was with Goro now, she still had slight feelings for Hiro, even though she accepted that they were meant for each other at this point. Futoshi sat there awkwardly, touching his fingers together as he glanced back and forth between Zero Two and Kokoro.

ABS0LUTE ZER0 (TW0): A Collection of Zero Two/Hiro One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now