Chapter 1

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Authors Note:

Hi, Im Nadya and this is my second time writing a fanfic, My first one didnt turn out as planned, but I have this one all figured out. I hope you guys like it and it does have frequent sexual content.


"The guy from last night was so great in the bed, it was by far the best sex this month" Karen bragged. I rolled my eyes,

"Oh god, why do you sleep with so much men. It's not healthy, can you just settle down and get a boyfriend? You can have all the sex you want with him!" I questioned, this is typical for Karen to constantly sleep with guys here and there.

"Maybe I dont want to 'settle down'" she replies, mimicking my tone.


"Enough about me, hows your sex life?" She quizzed

"You know I have no sex life!" I say while folding my arms around my chest,

"Are you serious Ronnie, you seriously need to step your game up, What are you scared of?"

"I dont know, I've just haven't found anyone right and plus I'm so inexperienced, if I was to do it with any guy he'll leave me right away because of my lack of.. you know" I started playing with the 3D skulls on my shirt.

"Well then you need someone to teach you!" she suggests with a hint of happiness in her tone, I looked at her as if she was crazy

"You did not just fucking say that, who the hell will want to teach me? Its a waste of time" I pick my head up and laugh., suprisingly she didnt join in and laugh with me, uh oh.

"You're kidding right?" I stare at her curiously

"Im not kidding, this is not a bad idea. You have to learn someday how to be a freak in the bed" she says while she gives me a wink. I lay back on her couch and stare at the ceiling for a bit, thinking about this idea. I'd be lying if I said that I didnt need someone to teach me. I've always complained about not being out going and I couldnt help but feel a bit jealous at times when Karen will bring a guy home everytime we went to the club. Maybe this wasnt such a bad idea at all. I sat up and stared at Karen who was chipping off her nail polish


She looked up at me with a huge grin on her face.

"YAY OH MY GOD!" She lunged towards me and tackled me on the couch and started kissing my cheeks.

"Ew gross, get off me." I shout between laughs. She obeyed and sat on the other side of the couch. I adjusted myself and stared at her.

"Um, we have a problem Karen." I say.. 

"What kind of problem?" She asks.

"Who's going to teach me?" I ask disappointed. 

"Oh, that problem." I watch as she sits there thinking real hard, I sit there as well. Thinking of any guys that would be willing to teach me, but I dont have many guy friends besides the ones from high school but they're either at college or moved on with their lives. I sigh.

"I give up" I said after about 10 minutes of thinking.

"This is harder than I thought" she says defeatedly. We both sigh.

"That's it, the deal is done. We can't do nothing with out a guy who's willing to teach me" I say.

"I can teach you?" Karen jokingly, I punch her boob and laugh. She gropes it and fake groans. We laugh for a bit until Harry stumbles into the house while snogging a girl. The girl moans as Harry gropes her butt, a few seconds later I see Harry take her upstairs and shutting his bedroom door. I'm not shocked, Harry is just like his fraternal sister. They have amazing sex lives. I ignore them and turn to face Karen who is staring at me smiling wide. I really hope she isn't thinking what Im thinking.

"No" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Why not?" She pouts.

"He's your brother!"

"I don't give a shit if he's my brother or not Ronnie" she argues.

"You're acting like he's going to say yes anyways!" I reply.

"Fine lets ask him?" She got up with out letting me answer and tried walking upstairs but I pulled her back,

"Karen are you fucking nuts, he has a girl up there"

"So" she said carelessly while attempting to walk upstairs again.

"Can we just ask him tomorrow, when he doesn't have a girl around, he's probably drunk anyways"

"Ugh fine, you better not chicken out tomorrow if not I'll be a proper bitch!" She smiles evilly.

"Okay.. Okay" I giggle. "I better head home anyways, I'll come by tomorrow and then we'll ask Harry" I say sheepishly. She jumps up and hugs me. I made my way home which is next door and settled in. I walk upstairs to my bedroom feeling exhausted from spending the whole day at Karens house, I walk over to my window and see that Harrys bedroom window was wide open and everything that was going on inside is visible. I shake my head at the the pair on the bed and close my curtains.

I peel off my clothes and go to sleep with my undergarments.


The end.

This chapter was so shitty, sorry. I can promise its going to get better. I'll update this week!  

For any questions here's my twitter 


Toodles xx

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