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I thought he was different. All the time we had been together, I thought we would were meant to be. I trusted him with all my heart, and I loved him dearly, and I was sure he felt the same way.

I hated to admit it, but Rose and even
Taehyung were right.

It was two days after calling Taehyung a douche. He never approached me anymore.
Whenever he saw me, his dark eyes glared at me in a warning way, as if saying, "You better not come anywhere fucking near me."
Whatever, I had Kai..

I was walking to Chemistry class, excited to see Kai, when I turned, and saw that the janitor's supply closet was opened a creak, and I thought I heard.....moaning? I frowned, and kind of grinned to myself, ready to completely humiliate someone. I just didn't know I would be the one humiliated.

I opened the door, and gasped, my heart dropping. There was my boyfriend Kai, making out with Sana, the school slut, a Senior school slut. My jaw dropped as Kai slowly pulled away, looking at me with disgust in his eyes.

"Kai!" i cried, my eyes getting watery.
"How could you! I thought you loved me!"

"Well sweetheart, my boy only dates pretty girls." Sana said in her fake, snobbish voice, approaching me slowly. "Now back off before I beat the living shit out of you."

I just pushed her aside, looking at Kai with hurt eyes. His faced showed no expression.

"And you can just stand there and not say anything?" I whimpered.

"Listen Jennie, Sana here was broken hearted after her man cheated on her." Kai said, his voice slick and cool. "And I just wanted to make her feel better. Plus, she's older and prettier than you."

"I hate you!" I spat out, and then, I felt two rough, muscular hands on my arms, and somebody pulled me away. I gasped when I realized it was Kim Taehyung.

"Leave me alone!" I sputtered, trying to get out of his grasp, the tears still falling from my face, but he just gently cooed, "Shhh," and kept dragging me away.

"You know sweetheart, crying is unhealthy for a pretty girl like you." He let me rip away from his grasp, us two in a different hallway alone. I glared into his half smirking, half concerned eyes.

"I don't want to hear you talk shit about me, Mr kim." I growled. "Didn't that time when I called you a douche cross your mind? I don't like you. I don't understand why you can't leave me alone. I know the little tricks you've played. I'm not that dumb."

You don't need to like me Jennie..." His eyes were gazing at me, his voice husky, and very seductive. Butterflies entered my stomach as he took little steps toward me, and I cursed mentally when I felt the wall against my back.

"Taehyung... leave me alone." I whimpered. "I'm already having a bad day, and I don't want to mess with anybody."

Taehyung smirked, and he reached out and put a hand right next to my head on the wall, his body leaning on it, his forehead inches from mine, his other hand in his hoodie pocket.

"I want to help you, baby girl." His voice was even softer as he spoke, his dark eyes staring deeply into my frightened ones.

I could feel my heart thumping against my chest, and I was starting to get lost in his eyes, his lips inching closer and closer to mine. But just like that, reality slapped me across the face, and I shook my head and pushed him away.

"No Taehyung, I can't do this." i muttered. "My boyfriend literally just cheated on me two seconds ago. I'm going home."

"I'll take you home, princess.."

"No." I said coldly, turning my back on him and walking away from him.

Yoongi was super concerned when he picked me up. I finally told him that I used to have a boyfriend named Kai, and I thought we were really in love with each other, but then I just caught him making out with another girl.

Yoongi was super angry. He was super overprotective of me.

"Where does this douche bag live?"

"Yoongi, no, I don't want your help on any of this." I sobbed. "All you're gonna do is make everything worse.."

"Come on Jennie, trust me, nobody like him will be messing with your heart anymore."

"Just stop it ." We pulled up into the driveway, and I quickly got out and ran up to my room. I took my phone out of my bag, and started dialing Rose's number. But then, I remembered what she had said...

"Just don't come crying to me when that guy has stolen your heart and then breaks it."

I couldn't go to Rose. She would immediately pull up her little sentence, and then leave me be. But I had to tell somebody. I couldn't talk to Yoongi, because we all know how he is. And I honestly didn't wanna talk to Taehyung. I had all my other friends I guess, but I wasn't as close to them as I was with Rose.

And just as I was about to start crying again, my phone rang. Rose.

I answered right away, and I just spilled everything out, sobbing. I told her about everything that happened with Taehyung, all the things Kai had done, Sana, everything. I told her I missed her and couldn't wait for us to start talking again, because I was literally dying of lonliness.

She was silent and listened, and then, she apologized for what she had said. So I drove over to her house.

"You know, I really think you should give Taehyung a chance." We were eating Ramon noodles on her bed.

"Why?" I asked. "Taehyung isn't the guy for me. He's a mysterious bad boy, and I'm sure he'll cheat on me the chance he gets it."

"Okay, think about it Jennie Kim.." Rose's expression was serious. "Usually, Kim Taehyung would be in and out of girl's pants, am I right?" I slowly nodded. "And usually, he'd be cold hearted and making younger girls like you cry and shit, right?" I once again nodded."Okay...has he been going out with girls ever since he laid eyes on you? Has he made you cry once, and made you feel bad?"

"No." I whispered, realizing her point.

"Exactly." Rose chuckled in amusement as she realized she really was right. "Kim Taehyung is simply in love with you."

"No." I muttered lowly. "Don't ever say that. He might think he is in love with me, but I'm sure if we ever started dating, he would realized I'm just like every girl...vulnerable.
Dumb. Naive."

"Nope." Rose shook her head in frustration. "Honestly, wouldn't you think it would be great to have a boyfriend like him? He could help you, he could be protective, and he would love you like a little farm boy and his pet lamb."

I frowned at her example, and she just sighed.

"Whatever." She rubbed her eyes. "But eventually, you will see what I mean. And eventually, he will really show it. The only question, is when?"

My phone was ringing at like, 6am in the next morning. I groaned, rubbing my head, and I answered it, half asleep.

"What?" I asked grumpily.

"Dude, Taehyung got suspended." I was wide awake now, listening to Rose's voice on the other end.

"Wait, what?"

"Dude, it's amazing what he did for you though." Amazing for me? What the fuck was she talking about?

"Um, what?"

"Turns out after you left the school, he went over and beat the living shit out of Kai.
He was all cut up and bruised and bloody."

My head was throbbing.


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