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Thank god Yoongi was at work. I walked weakly inside my house, Taehyung silently following me. We didn't say anything to each other; I just led him up to my bedroom, where I plopped down on the covers.

"Do you want me to get you some water?"
Taehyungs voice was soft, his dark eyes gentle. "To get that gross taste out of your mouth?" i nodded silently, and he walked downstairs. I was about to shout out where the cups were, but then I heard him put one on the counter, and I relaxed.

i crawled under the blankets, resting my head on my pillow. I felt so yucky and groggy. I mean, honestly... just puked in front of the biggest bad boy of the school.

Then, Taehyung came into the room, a glass filled with water in it. He sat down on the edge of my bed, and I sat up, and he gracefully handed me the glass. I gulped it down, feeling his intent, dark eyes on me.

Once I was finished, he grabbed my cup and put it on the end table.

We sat there in silence for a long time, my eyes on my feet, his looking all over the room. I had bright, white lights hanging up everywhere on my bedroom, and his eyes searched those the most.

"You don't need to stay here, Taehyung." I said softly, and he looked over at me. "I mean, l'm pretty sure I can take care of myself."

"i want to stay here." He whispered, making butterflies flutter in my stomach. I gulped and looked away. I knew he was still watching me. "Jennie..." i looked over at him.
"Come here."

I slowly shook my head no. I wasn't comfortable with any guys at the moment.
Kai kind of ruined everything.

Taehyung stared at me, and then, he reached over, wrapping an arm around my waist, and he pulled me over to him, and onto his lap. He rested his back on my headboard, and then laid me down on top of him, my head on his chest, and he had one hand on my lower back and kind of on my butt, the other hand stroking the back of my head softly, playing with the loose hair strands that fell between his fingers.

I closed my eyes, automatically
comfortable, feeling warm, and secure. I felt his warm breath on the top of my head, his eyes on me. I had never been so close to Taehyung before. It made me feel...weird.

I don't know how long he held me. But I knew it was a long time, because eventually, my yes became really heavy and drowsy, and my heart slowed down, and I fell asleep.

"What the hell is going on here?" My head shot up, and I gasped when I saw Yongi angrily staring at us. Taehyung's eyes were opened, and I tried getting off of him, but he held tightly onto me, protectively holding me. I pushed his arms off and quickly got off the bed, Taehyung coolly sliding off the bed, straightening his hoodie.

"Yoongi, nothing happened." I said, giving him a look. "i got sick at school and Taehyunh brought me home."

"Hey, you're that damn punk guy that came over a couple days ago." Yoongi growled, pointing at Taehyung.

"I am." Taehyung answered, and I glared over at

"Yoongi, just stop." I groaned. "Everything is okay, like I said, nothing happened."

"I don't care what happened, I want this damn stranger out of our house." Yoongi demanded, and I looked over at Taehyung, an apologetic look on my face.

"I'm sorry Tae." I said as I began pushing him out.

"No, no Jennie!" Taehyung grabbed my door frame, stopping himself from moving. His dark eyes were on me. "I'm not leaving you right now."

"Seriously Tahyung, I'll talk to you later." i warned, but he just shook his head.

"Jennie, let me stay." He said, a bit angrily.
"I'm not gonna leave just because you're damn older brother said so. I don't take orders from strangers."

"And I don't let strangers into my damn house, now leave." i could sense the hatred in both of their words.

"You can't make me." Taehyung pushed past me, going close to Yoongi's face. I should have never let him come here. With how overprotective Yoongi was, and how cruel and bad-ass Taehyung was, they would have never gotten along.

"Don't touch my little sister." Yoongi growled in his face. "She can do much more than some punk ass bastard like you."

"She's mine, too." Taehyung hissed, and I separated the two from each other.

"Stop!" i cried. I had frustrated tears forming in my eyes. "Taehyung, just fucking leave!"

Taehyung stared at me, and then looked angrily up at Yoongi. He began leaving, but not before turning around.

"Jennie, I'm coming back." He said in a powerful voice. "And I don't care if he's here or not, princess."

Then, he was gone. I looked worriedly back at Toongi, who was seething with rage.

''I can't fucking believe you." He snapped, pushing past me. "I thought you knew better."

"Yoongi seriously, all we did was lay there.
No kissing, no sexual touching, nothing. Taehyung cares way too much about me to do something like that."

"You think that damn bastard cares about you?" Yoongi turned around to face me, his eyebrows raised, his eyes squinted. "He's a punk. A gangster."

"He is not a gangster." i muttered. "And why do you care so much? This is my own life, so leave it alone!"

"I care so much because you're the only person I have right now." Yoongi snapped. "And it's not just your own life. That cunt came into my house. He interfered with my little sister. " He paused for a second. "And you're not allowed to see him anymore." My eyes widened, my mouth agape.

"You can'd do that, Yoongi!" i cried as he left the room. "That's not fair!"

"It is too fair!" Yoongi came back into my room. "Now drop it. He is never to come to this house, and you are never to go to his house."

"You're not my parent." i growled.

"But I'm technically your legal guardian."
Yoongi said back, and I stopped. It was no use.
Yoongi glared at me for a little while longer, and then, he walked out. I slammed my bedroom door shut, and sat on my bed, frustrated, with myself and the world.

Why did I even care so much anyway? I mean, I don't like Taehyung. He's a bad boy. A player. A stoner. I don't fall in love with people like that.
And I'm sure, really soon, Taehyung
will forget about me and find somebody else to mess with.

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