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He was gone for 3 days. And during those 3 days, Kai didn't even come to school either. I was honestly really glad. I hated that douche. I thought I loved him, but I now realized I never did. I was desperate I guess...

On Thursday morning, as I was walking past the office, I saw a muscular looking due in the window, and I stopped and peered inside.
Once I saw who it was, I barged inside, and Taehyung looked over at me.

He had a gash on his lip, which honestly just made him look tougher and hotter, especially the light purple bruise on his eye, which only made it half open. There was also a dry bloodied cut on the edge of his eyebrow. Once he saw me, his crude lips curved into a mischievous smile.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I asked as I approached, stopping a couple feet in front of him and crossing my arms, my eyes glaring at him. I was trying so hard not to melt at his attractiveness, damn...

"Just protecting my favorite girl, princess."
Taehyung took a step closer, and I took a step back.

"Why are you here?"

"I need to talk to the principal before I can go to class." His dark eyes were looking me up and down. "Damn, you're more beautiful than the last time I saw you..."

"Oh my God, shut up Taehyung." I growled. " can't believe you. Kai is gonna hate me."

"Hey, don't worry about anything, baby girl." His voice was so slick, so cool. "You have me to protect you."

"I don't need you to protect me." I said frustratingly. "i never even asked for your help in the first place. I barely even know you. You act as if you've known me for years..."

"I'm gonna protect you, Jennie." His voice was becoming soft. "No matter what..."

"Kim Taehyung, Mr. Lassner would like to see you now." mTaehyung's dark eyes wandered at me for a couple more seconds, then he smirked, and followed the front desk lady to an office.

I just groaned and rolled my eyes, and hurried of to class.

"Have you seen or talked to Kai since.. you know when?" Rose popped a french fry in her mouth.

"No." I grumbled, rubbing my temples in frustration. " don't even want to anyway. I hope him getting beat up by Taehyung put some damn sense in his mind. Gosh, I just can't believe him."


"Both of them really."

"Oh come on, Taehyung's the good guy."

"Dude, what don't you understand... bad guy. Taehyung even could admit that himself."

"So Kai's the good guy?"

"None of them are good guys!" I was getting angrier and angrier.

"But you know you like Taehyung better."
Rose's raised her eyebrows at me. "He's helped you and protected you."

"But not in a good way." I groaned. " mean, he just gets in the way with everything. I don't even know him. I don't need his help. I don't want his help."

"Jennie, you're just being really rude." I glared at her, and she raised her eyebrows. "I'm serious. This dude has been doing so much for you, and all you have to say is, "I hate him, I don't want his help."

"I don't hate him."

"Then how do you feel about him?"

I was silent. I stared down at my fingers, fiddling with my thumbs. I heard her smirk.

"You like him."


"'Yes you do." Rose's smile increased.
"You waaannnttt him, you wanna kilissss him..."

"Seriously Rose, I'm not in the mood."

She just laughed, and stood up to throw her trash away.

"Think about it..." She said before she left.
"How would it be like to date a bad boy?"

And that question repeated in my head for the rest of the night.

On Friday night, I received a text, from an unknown number.

"Jennie, listen, l'm really sorry. Sana is a bitch, and I'm a dick for what I did. I'm so sorry, I really  love you. -Kai."

I wanted to throw my phone across the room. I had completely deleted his contact, erased and thrown away everything I had of him. And now, after he was beat shitless by Taehyung, he wants me back. Really fucker?

"Listen here, ass hole. I will never love you.
I hate all of you. I don't care what you do or what you say or how you feel, you will always mean nothing to me. And don't think about crawling back to me or harming me or anything, because I have a guy here that would do anything for me. A guy that knows how to treat a lady right. So shut the fuck up, and leave me the fuck alone."

I knew half of that was a lie. I knew I couldn't completely trust Taehyung. I knew he didn't respect plenty of girls at our school. He was heartless and he was rude and he was a player who has cheated on many just for sex.

Eventually, maybe half an hour later, I received a text back.

"I don't care about that mother fucker. He might have beat me up that one time, but I know he won't do it again. I'll get you back, Jennie Kim. You'll see. And you'll love me more than ever."

I found Taehyung's number online, and sent the text to him.

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