Chapter 6 ~ Lingering Thoughts *Edited*

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Harry’s POV:

Later that evening, Taylor is in the kitchen cooking. She looks really good looking still, I had to admit. I look at her without her actually knowing or realising. I can’t believe I once had feelings for her, and the thing about it is, that I feel like I’m getting those feelings back for her. My phone buzzes in my pocket. I reach into my pocket and look at the text. Its from Sandra, Sandra is my current girlfriend. A hot gorgeous model, her text's to me reads Hi babe, can we go out sometime, I’m in town for a few days and want to see your cute flirty grin. Text me back and let me know. I swallowed I really wanted to see her again since she was in town, but Taylor turned around and looked at me from the stove, with a look as if to say “who’s that?”

“Girlfriend.” I told her although she didn’t actually ask out loud. 

“Well dinner is ready.” she announced happily. She set the two plates on the table, the scent of the food was incredible. Crying filled the house again.
“Want me to get her?” I asked Taylor cautiously.

“No its fine.” she said “I’ll get her.”

She left the room, and I held the phone wondering what to say back to Sandra. Sandra was one sexy model, I couldn't help imagine seeing her again. But I didn’t have real feelings for her, I found myself admitting that to myself, I realized that I would have never admitted that or thought that when I was around her. She looked hot in photos we were in together. She never really made me smile or happy though. I decided I was going to leave it. I put the phone on the bench. I was going to choose to be the good Daddy, drop the flirty ways for a while see where that took me. I found myself wanting to do the right thing for Taylor, Darcy and myself.

Taylor arrived back with Darcy in her arms.

I smiled at her and Darcy, I believed I was making the right choice when I saw them together.

“She needs feeding again she must be hungry” Taylor announced to me.

I searched around the kitchen, with a grin on my face, knowing this would again make Taylor smile.

“What are you looking for?” Taylor asked rocking Darcy gently in her arms behind me, her eyes watching my every move, I could almost feel them.

“An instruction manual.” I said turning to her, with a grin on my face.

Taylor laughed gently “Babies don’t come with them Harry you know that.” she stated. It felt nice to feel a bit more relaxed with her. It also felt good not to bring up the breakup, what an earth am I doing even thinking of that?

“Here.” Taylor handed me Darcy “I’ll make her dinner to”

I watched Taylor move about and prepare it.

I looked down at Darcy. I didn’t know how cute little babies could really be. But I knew they would be a lot of work and Taylor and I would have to bond together like never before.

Taylor sat down with a sigh. She handed me the bottle. I looked at her, Darcy and the bottle in my hand. “Erm…” I said, she looked at my face and smiled at me.

 “I’ll do it.” She took Darcy from my hands, and I watched her feed her. I smiled. Taylor seemed to be a good Mum. But was I going to be a good Dad? Were we going to be a good couple?

Later that evening, Darcy had gone to sleep after thirty minutes of none stop crying. Taylor and I sat on the lounge in complete exhaustion, day one and already I was feeling the stress and tiredness. I let my mind wander a bit. Eight days ago there wouldn’t have been no Darcy, nine months ago, there wouldn’t have been no Darcy. I wonder if life would be easier and better without her. I told myself not to think like that. Taylor and I were doing something magical for her. We were trying to provide her with something that she would have missed out on if it weren’t for us. I wondered if you could provide something you were sure you didn’t have for each other. In this case for Taylor and I it was love, and feelings a connection to one another.

I wondered if Taylor took this time we were going to spend together as a project to the start of a new album with Darcy and I at the very heart of it. It didn’t matter I realized if Taylor did, we had to work together and that was for Darcy, I had to keep that in mind, we had to act together but I knew we were still separate beings as well.

“How long did we date?” I asked Taylor, I propped my arm on the sofa behind her, I hadn’t meant to ask the question really, I don't know why I was digging.

Taylor turned her head towards me “Why?” she simply asked, her eyes rested on mind, I wondered what she really thought.

“Just wondered.” I answered. I stared her right in the eyes, I was not a childish little boy, I could handle her response, and her abusive words if that is what my question lead to, I had provoked her in the past.

“Sixty six days.” She responded, and turned her attention to something else, possible the white very blank wall.

Sixty-six days of my life I had dated her, our break up with each other was sour. We both agreed never to see each other again, as long as we both shall live, but we both knew they'd be times we would, they'd be times we couldn't avoid one another, and they'd also be a time after the breakup I'd try and visit her again. Now this, it was like our managers didn’t agree with our choices. I thought to myself how dare they do this to us, how dare they force us into something like this. But parts of me were thankful they did what they did, walking away from Taylor always left me feeling empty and incomplete. Maybe we could clear the smoke and maybe we could see something in each other.

Later on that evening, I was tucked up cosy in my bed, in my separate room. About to fall asleep, when crying fills the house, I stuff the pillow over my ears in attempt to lessen the noise and I groan in annoyance. I crawl out of bed, and stagger like a drunken person into the hallway. A figure is also standing in the hallway. Taylor. She see’s me “I’ll get her.” She whispers. I nod at her and drag myself back to bed, the crying stops eventually, and I fall asleep. And a few hours after that it begins again.

This time I go into comfort Darcy. “Its okay sweetie” I say with a small yawn. I rock her around a bit. I smile in the darkness thinking how crazy this all really is. I close my eyes for a moment. I breathe in her sweet baby scent. I find her dummy in the darkness on top of the dresser. I put it in her mouth and she begins to suck happily. I put her down to rest in her cot and her eyes close slowly, I give her Taylor's teddy and I tippy toe out of her room as quietly as possible.

I make my way back to my own room, and close my eyes, resting my head on my pillow. Grateful for some silence, my mind lingers off into a sweet dream, a sweet place, with a girl with blonde hair.


Wow, happy to be done with that chapter, it's so touchy. It’s really hard to write all the incredible small details out. But I love the feel of the story so far. We are going to be in the heart of it soon, with some troublesome feelings and a few regrets from the past. But all the way long, beautiful Darcy will brighten it all up, make things that seem sour sweet, and make us all smile!

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