Chapter 2 ~ Its You Two *Edited*

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(Meanwhile as the managers plans the stunt)

Taylor's POV:

I flicked my blonde hair away and glanced at myself in the mirror. I was happy and twenty-two I was content with my life so far at least. I picked up my shopping when my phone rang. I reluctantly toll the call It was my manager asking me to come into the office.

"Yes," I said into my mobile I hid the sigh "I'm right by the office." I wished I wasn't.

I promised my manager I'd be prompt and arrive at her office in a little under twenty minutes.

I sighed again when I hanged up something always important I thought on my day off I thought.

~ 20 Mins Later

I knocked on the door that said Taylor's Swift Manager. Her office was located where all the other managers of famous people worked it was well known building, where things got planned, and decided without consultation with us the artists.

"Come in." Spoke a familiar voice from inside.

I came in and I sat down and waited for the important announcement.

I crossed my legs and finally she spoke up, she stopped typing on her computer and looked at me for a short while.

"Taylor," she said, "after your break with your ex.." she began. I slightly started to get uncomfortable I knew who she meant as my ex, my ex was Harry Styles from One Direction.

"It was bitter." I told her "Don't mention it."

"That's the thing," she said, studying me "something urgent has come up."

I started to feel awkward.

"Taylor, a baby needs your love and support, and you know what sort of a role model for the young girls of today you are." she began "She has a family that doesn't want her."

I started to feel a bit weird, I didn't know what my manager had in mind for me.

I crossed my legs the other way to display how uncomfortable I felt about the whole situation.

"You and Harry have been chosen to care for her." She told me.

My heart leaped to my throat, surely not. I began to settle down thinking she meant a different Harry... a Harry I never met, a Harry that never broke my heart and left me bitter.

"Harry who?" I asked her, her eyes stared straight into mine, not missing a blink.

"Harry Styles of course." She answered, her words pierced my heart like I had been struck there once again.

"Tell me I'm dreaming." I cried out loud, I was close to standing up and storming out.

"Not dreaming love a reality." She said, wrecking my wishes of this being a dream.

"Tell me, why are you doing this?" I cried at her.

"It'll be good for you Taylor, it'll be good for her, do it for the baby, do it for the young girls that see you as their role model." She explains.

My blonde hair conceals my angered features, as my head falls to my palm. My blue eyes staring at the ground wishing a hole would swallow me up.

"Taylor..." My manager spoke with urgency in her voice. I raised my eyes to meet her angry glance at me.

"Its final, no choices, no backing out, you and Harry work together this is important, we want good publicity, and I warned you what would happen if you broke the heart of another guy." She said.

Adopted By Haylor + Bk1 (HaylorFF) (Completed) (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now