Chapter 11~ Check UP *Edited*

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Taylors POV:

It was time for Darcy's check-up, she was checked when she was born, but she needed weekly or every second week check up's and Harry and I were taking her. Our car was fitted out with a baby capsule and everything. It was the first time Harry and I had taken her out. It was a beautiful sunny day. I dressed Darcy in a pretty little pink dress, with matching booties and hat. She refused to leave without Peekaboo, so she was along for the ride to. Harry drove, and I sat with Darcy in the back sit.

"Darcy is a great girl." I told Harry.

Harry's eyes rested on the revision mirror and they stared right at me.

"I know." he says in agreement, his eyes flicker back to the road. As my attention rests on Darcy.

At the clinic, the lady asked for our names.

"Harry Styles." he told her.

"Taylor Swift." I said.

"The baby?" she asked peering at Darcy in the capsule.

"Darcy-Taylor Styles." Harry replied.

"So she's yours?" she asked and I'm not sure if she was asking Harry or me I was confused by the question.

"No she's ours" Harry told her, a sweet smile on his face. He seemed pleased to say ours. I never thought of her as ours. Darcy was our adopted daughter, I liked that.

"Okay Mr. Foster will be ready for you in a fifteen minutes" she told us both.

We took a seat. We looked at one another, and we both found ourselves looking at Darcy.

Darcy had brought this upon us.

"I'm glad our managers did this." I find myself telling Harry.

"It's a blessing." He tells me.

I find myself agreeing.

We got called in.

"Hello Mr Foster." Harry said politely.

"Hello Mr. Styles, and Miss Swift." He smiled at us, I set the baby capsule on the ground, as Harry and I took a seat next to each other.

"Whom do we have here?" he asked looking at Darcy and me.

"This is Darcy-Taylor or Darcy-Taya I sometimes call her." I answered him.

"Oh she's a sweet little girl." Mr Foster said and reached into hold her. He looked her right in the face, and Darcy looked right back, blue eyes wide and surprised.

The examination went well, "We will run a few tests you know." he said "But she's a perfect little girl, you must be so happy to have the pleasure of looking after her, being her parents."

Harry and I both nodded; we were starting to agree on more things. It felt good.

When we went back home, Darcy had a rest for a bit, and I was so tired. I sat on the lounge and closed my eyes. Harry sat next to me, his eyes closed to.

"Do you really like me?" Harry asked, half asleep-half awake I opened my eyes and turned to him.

"Yes." I told him "I like you." I closed my eyes again and rested my head back a bit.

"Do you like me?" I whispered dreamily.

"I already like you, now I'm starting to love you." he replied, to sleepy to comment

I just said, "hmmm, mmm, that's nice." Fell straight to sleep from there.

I was awakened by a baby crying, I sat bolt upright, and stretched yawned and got up. Harry wasn't by my side, I climbed the stairs gripping the handrail tightly, I felt like I could collapse.

I reached for Darcy in her cot, and rocked her. She didn't stop. I showed her Peekaboo. Gave her a dummy, a rattle. Still crying.

Harry staggered into her room, hair sticking up, with sleepy eyes.

"What's going on?" he asked groggy, he blinked a few times, and I figured he was trying to adjust.

"She's just crying" I said to him, and guess what she didn't stop crying. After a while I handed her to Harry. Cause I couldn't handle it I was going to snap. And I didn't want to snap in front of Darcy or Harry.

I walked out of the room and sighed, I put my hand on my head and tried calming breaths. It wasn't helping I was exhausted.

Harry's POV:

"Wahhh!" filled the room, I rocked her, I bounced her, I talked to her, I pulled faces, even let her pull my hair... I gave her a dummy. Nothing.

"Wahhhh!" on and on and on. Taylor handed me a bottle of milk she didn't want it. She kept crying on and on, "wahh" it was echoing in the room, the house, my ears.

"Don't babies run out of tears sometime?" I asked Taylor hopeful that they did.

Taylor snapped at me "How would I know?" she throws her hands in the air, and marched out. She left me slightly shocked with her reaction.

"Mummies angry" I told Darcy who didn't care and kept crying.

I tilted my head back I was getting tired, too tired to stand, too tired to think. I rested Darcy on her cot, and crept out I couldn't take it. That's when Taylor really snapped.

"You can't leave her." she said, hands on hips, in front of me. Taylor seemed annoyed, frustrated and fierce.

"Its to much for me." I say, in a tired whisper. Followed by a tired sigh.

"And its not enough for me?" She demanded "I'm so tired I could sleep for years!"

"And you think I can't." I retort at her.

"What would you know Harry? You're a flirt, you're never going to settle down if someone chained you a chair." She said, from her that was a slap in the face, before I wouldn't have cared, now I do, cause I cared about her.

"And you." I spat angrily "You settle down, you're too busy breaking hearts to settle down, yea you might settle down, on a broken heart, so you can make some more of your boring pathetic music."

Her hand flew to her mouth, crying filled the house, ringing in my ears, my comment hang in the air, a bad feeling came over the house, over me. I realised what I said.

"I...I can't believe you said that..." she said, her eyes brimmed with tears. She looked pale.

"I'm sorry Taylor you took a swing at me." I state, with a softer calmer, more alert tone. I knew it hadn't been fair what I said.

She pushes past me and closes her bedroom door. All I can hear is crying, I can't think straight.

I grab my mobile, and dash out of the house, not looking back twice.

A/N: Getting into the heart of sometime trouble, Haylor and Tarry don't seem so sweet now do they? This little sweety Darcy is splitting them in two, no longer joining them together in one.

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