1) wolf moon

753 17 14

Act I

Werewolves and hunters

(Episode 1-12)


Charlotte was in her room sleeping peacefully when her phone rang. Charlotte woke up groaning and looked at the caller ID annoyed.

She answered the phone before it went to voicemail knowing he would call again. "What Stiles" Charlotte said. "You'll never believe what I just heard from my dad" Stiles said. "Were you eavesdropping again" Charlotte asked sitting up.

"What no I okay yes anyways I just found out there's a" Stiles said. "Let me guess a dead body" Charlotte said.

"Okay yes you have to come with me to get Scott so we can go look for it" Stiles said.

"You're just gonna drag me out there if I say no aren't you" Charlotte asked. "Most likely yes" Stiles said. "I'll be there soon" Charlotte said and hung up.


Stiles and Charlotte went over to Scott's as soon as Charlotte went over to Stiles's place. Soon enough Scott came out with a baseball bat not noticing Charlotte yet as she stood off to the side.

Stiles eventually came upside down in front of him tangled in a tree making them both scream as Charlotte finally approached them.

"Charlotte" Scott said noticing her. "You dragged Charlotte out here" Scott said. "Yeah, where we go Char goes" Stiles said. "What are you doing" Scott asked them. "Ask him" Charlotte said.

"You weren't answering your phone" Stiles said. "Why do you have a bat" Stiles asked Scott. "I thought you were a predator" Scott told Stiles.

"A pre-I -what-" Stiles asked Scott spitting out leaves from hanging upside down. "Do I look like a predator to you" Charlotte asked.

"Look I know it's late but you gotta hear this I saw my dad leave 20 minutes ago dispatch called they're bringing in every officer from the beacon department and even state police" Stiles told Scott.

"For what" Scott asked Stiles. "Two joggers found a body in the woods" Stiles told Scott finally managing to get down from the tree he was in.

"A dead body" Scott asked them. "No, a body of water" Stiles said with sarcasm. "Yes, a dead body" Stiles added on. "You mean like murdered" Scott asked them. "Nobody knows yet" Stiles told the two friends.

"Just that it was a girl probably in her 20s" Stiles told Charlotte and Scott. "Wait hold on if they found the body what are they looking for" Scott asked Stiles.

"That's the best part they only found half we're going" Stiles told them. "Lovely" Charlotte said annoyed.


"We're seriously doing this" Scott asked as soon as the three friends made it to the woods. "You are always the one saying that nothing ever happens in this town" Stiles told Scott.

"I was having a good sleep I could still be dreaming about Kol Mikaelson rather than finding a dead body" Charlotte exclaimed.

"I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow" Scott said as he along with Charlotte followed Stiles. "Right cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort" Stiles said.

"No because I'm playing this year in fact, I'm making first line" Scott said confidently. "Hey that's the spirit everyone should have a dream even a pathetically unrealistic one" Stiles said and Charlotte glared at him.

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