2) assumptions

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Charlotte was with Lydia at the hospital waiting on Jackson who was getting a shot so he could play in the game. Jackson soon came back out and both Lydia and Charlotte stood up.

"Did he do it" Lydia asked her boyfriend. "He said not to make a habit of it, but one cortisone shot won't kill me" Jackson said to them.

"You should get one right before the game too, the pros do it all the time you want to be a little high school amateur, or do you want to go pro" Lydia said kissing him while he kissed back.

They eventually pulled away from the kiss. "Can we go now not a big fan of hospitals if you remember" Charlotte said and Jackson nodded, and they left.


"The scent was the same" Scott said scaring Stiles. "You sure" Stiles asked him, getting up. "Yes" Scott said.

"So, he did bury the other half of the body on his property" Stiles said. "Which means we have proof he killed the girl" Scott said. "I say we use it" Stiles said to him. "How" Scott asked Stiles.

"Tell me something first are you doing this because you want to stop Derek or because you want to play in the game, and he said you couldn't" Stiles asked him.

"There are bite marks on the legs Stiles bite marks" Scott said. "Okay then we're going to need a shovel" Stiles told him, and they both left the hospital.


"Wait something's different" Scott said smelling something different. "Different how" Stiles asked.

"I don't know let's just get this over with" Scott said. They continued to shovel for the body. "This is taking too long" Scott said. "Just keep going" Stiles said.

"What if he comes back" Scott asked. "I have a plan for that" Stiles told Scott. "Which is" Scott asked Stiles.

"You run one way I run the other whoever he catches first too bad" Stiles said. "I hate that plan" Scott told him. "Oh, stop, stop, stop" Stiles said when they were getting close to the body.

"Hurry" Scott told him. "I'm trying did he, have to tie the thing in like 900 knots" Stiles said.

"I'll do it" Scott said and untied the knots when Stiles and Scott noticed a wolf instead of a girl. "What is that" Stiles asked Scott.

"It's a wolf" Scott said. "Yeah, I can see that I thought you said you smelled blood as in human blood" Stiles asked Scott. "I told you something was different" Scott told him.

"Yeah, okay help me cover up" Stiles said, and Scott did as he said until Stiles looked over noticing something when Scott looked at him.

"What's wrong" Scott asked Stiles. "You see that flower" Stiles asked Scott, and he looked at it before looking back at him. "What about it" Scott asked Stiles.

"I think it's wolfsbane" Stiles said. "What's that" Scott asked him. "Uh-haven't you ever seen the wolf man" Stiles asked Scott.

"No what" Scott asked him. "You are so unprepared for this dude even Charlotte's seen it" Stiles told Scott and started taking the flower off.

"Stiles" Scott said when he noticed the wolf turn into a girl. "Holy" Stiles said when he saw.


Stiles called his dad after they found the body and he made his way inside the police car Derek was in and Stiles got in the passenger's side.

"Okay just so you know I'm not afraid of you" Stiles told him, and he gave Stiles a glare.

"Okay maybe I am doesn't matter I just wanna know something the girl you killed she was a werewolf she was a different kind wasn't she" Stiles asked.

"I mean she could turn herself into an actual wolf and I know Scott can't do that is that why you killed her" Stiles accused him.

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