5) attacked

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Charlotte was in the car with Lydia and Jackson needing some quality time with her sister and Jackson.

They were trying to talk Jackson out of any sport movie considering neither Lydia, or Charlotte wanted to watch it. Jackson was still trying to convince them due to not wanting to watch the notebook again.

"Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever it is the best sports movie ever made" Jackson said.

"No" Lydia said. "As much as I don't want to watch the notebook, I rather not watch a sports movie more" Charlotte said.

"It's got Gene Hackman and Denise Hopper" Jackson said trying to change their mind again.

"No" Lydia and Charlotte said again. "But it's cute that you think that will change our minds" Charlotte said.

"Lydia, Charlotte, I swear to you you're going to like it" Jackson said. "No" they said once again. "I am not watching the notebook again" Jackson said.

"Hey, I don't wanna watch it either, but I rather watch that than another sports movie" Charlotte said.

Lydia whispered in Jackson's ear, and he groaned before giving in.

"I'll help him find it" Charlotte said going in the store with him.


"Can somebody help us find the notebook hello is anybody working here" Jackson asked.

"You gotta be kidding me" Jackson said while he and Charlotte continued to look for the notebook. Jackson went down an aisle observing something when Charlotte went over to him.

"Jackson did you find something" Charlotte asked before she saw the dead body.

Backing away nearly falling while Jackson saw the creature pulling Charlotte with him not wanting his girlfriend's twin sister hurt, they hid behind a movie shelf as they tried to steady their breathing.

Soon enough the shelves were falling, and Jackson pushed Charlotte out of the way while he fell to the ground.

"Charlotte run" Jackson said, and Charlotte saw the creature on top of Jackson. "But Jackson" Charlotte said worried about him.

"Run" Jackson said and Charlotte tried to run but the beast pulled her back down getting on top of her as she panicked.

The beast roared at her when he heard police sirens and took off.


Jackson, Lydia, and Charlotte were currently sitting in the ambulance and Lydia held her twin's hand doing her best to comfort her.

"Charlotte " Charlotte heard someone say and when she looked it was Stiles as he looked shocked, but she looked back to her twin. "Why can't I just go home" Jackson asked.

"I'm fine" Jackson said. "I hear ya but the EMT says you hit your head pretty hard they just wanna make sure you don't have a concussion" Noah said.

"What part of I'm fine are you having a problem grasping" Jackson asked. "Okay I wanna go home" Jackson said.

"And I understand that" Noah told him. "No, you don't understand which kind of blows my mind since it should be pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum wage rent a cop like you okay now I wanna go home" Jackson yelled at him.

"Oh, whoa is that a dead body" Stiles asked, and Noah gave him a look while he walked away.

"Starting to get it" Derek asked Scott. "Uh I get that he's killing people, but I don't get why I mean this isn't standard practice right" Scott said.

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