4) magic bullet

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Scott, Stiles, and Charlotte were in class when Scott informed them about Derek not being the alpha or being the one who bit Scott. "If Derek isn't the alpha if he's not the one who bit you then who did" Stiles asked.

"I don't know" Scott said. "Did the alpha kill the bus driver" Stiles asked. "I don't know" Scott said.

"Does Allison's dad know about the" Stiles asked. "I don't know" Scott said annoyed.

The teacher gave Charlotte and Stiles their grade before moving to the front of the class.

Charlotte and Stiles noticed Scott's grade. "Dude, you need to study more" Stiles said. "That was a joke Scott it's one test you're gonna make it up" Stiles said. "Do you want help studying" Stiles asked.

"No, I'm studying with Allison after school today" Scott said. "Sure, you are" Charlotte said and Scott seemed confused.

"That's my boy" Stiles said. "We're just studying" Scott said. "Uh no you're not" Stiles said. "No, I'm not" Scott asked. "Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you" Stiles said.

"Studying leads to sex when you're in a relationship trust me" Charlotte said. "Okay how do you know this" Scott asked.

"I slept with Brett Talbot when we were doing long distance" Charlotte said. "If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear I'll have you de balled" Stiles said.

"Okay just stop with the questions man" Scott said.

"Done no more questions no more talk about the alpha or Derek especially Derek who still scares me" Stiles said.


Derek went to the school after getting shot looking for Scott when he saw Jackson at his locker.

He went up to Jackson hoping he knew where Scott was. "Where's Scott McCall" Derek asked.

Jackson closed his locker and faced him. "Why should I tell you" Jackson asked him. "Because I asked you politely and I only do that once" Derek said.

"Hmm okay tough guy you know about I help you find him if you tell me what you're selling him" Jackson said.

"What is it, is it uh Dinabol hmm HGH" Jackson asked.

"Steroids" Derek asked. "No girl scout cookies what do you think I'm talking about and oh and uh by the way whatever it is you're selling I'd probably stop sampling the merchandise you look wrecked" Jackson said.

"I'll find him myself" Derek said getting ready to leave.

"No, we're not done" Jackson said stopping him but Derek slammed him to the locker accidentally scratching him.

He had let go and walked farther away trying to find Scott using his hearing.


Charlotte was walking with Lydia and Allison when Allison just told them Scott was going over to her place.

"Scott's coming over tonight" Lydia asked. "Scott told me that in class" Charlotte said.

"We're just studying together" Allison said. "No, you're not" Charlotte said.

"Just studying never ends with just studying it's like getting into a hot tub somebody eventually cops a feel" Lydia said.

"Well so what are you saying" Allison asked. "I'm just saying you know make sure he covers up hello Snow White do it with him with a condom" Lydia said.

"Okay gross" Charlotte said. "Why am I here" Charlotte asked. "I don't even like Allison see you sissy" Charlotte said and left.


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