It Begins...

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The Batmobile pulled up and both Robin and Batgirl stared at it in awe. They had never seen it up close. In pictures from the dark web sure. But never right in front of them. Batman for his part didn't get out of the driver's seat. From the back though there were two seats. Nightwing explained it was usually for prisoner transports. Which added up. It was like being locked in a trunk. The large tank of a vehicle clearly had the space.
Nightwing strapped them into the seat and the coffin of a seat closed. It was still lit enough to see. The red glow a little ominous but still welcoming. The thing shot forward with such force it pushed them against their seatbelts.
"Who do you think the bat is?" Jason asked.
Batgirl smiled. "Probably some rich asshole. If we lived in Metropolis I would gather it was Lex Luther III. He seems altruistic enough."
"So, who does that leave?"
"Lot of rich assholes in Gotham."
"Hmm." Batgirl thought on it. "Harvey Dent?"
"No way the DA has enough time for this. Has to be one of the elites. At the very least they are funding them."
"Then maybe Lex Luther is behind it. You know Batman and Superman did start around the same time. And Lex Luther I and III are tied to both."
"Could be."
"Enough chatter." A deep voice from a speaker said.
"Scared we'll deduce who you are?" Batgirl smiled.
"You don't know me." Batman said.
"Well, we will soon." Robin crossed his arms.
The ride continued in silence. There were a few sharp turns here and there. Causing Jason and Barbara to bump into each other. The pushed off with a bit of awkwardness that used to not be there. Barbara wondered for a moment what life as Jason's girlfriend could be. But quickly pushed it from her mind. She was after all about to meet Batman.
The vehicle jolted and then became quite smooth. Batgirl grinned, "We're close. We have to be out of town."
"Bet." Jason offered.
The Batmobile came to a stop. The trunk slowly opened and the seats were pushed forward. They unbuckled themselves and stood. They looked around in awe at the massive cave. Batcave indeed. There were walkways the led up, memorabilia lined various aspects of the wall. Most prominent was a huge penny leaning up against a wall. There were lines of suits, former and current ones more than likely of not only the bat but of robin as well.
They continued to gawk as Nightwing walked up to them. "Welcome to the Batcave."
"This place is amazing. What is that?" Barbara pointed at a large screen across the room. It looked to have a massive line of controls with a neat chair sitting in front of it. Barbara saw the large figure of Batman skulking over to it. "Not much for intros is he?"
"Batman? No, he's been leaving the pleasantries up to me lately." Nightwing's smile faded for a moment. "And that huge thing is called the Batcomputer."
Barbara ran up to the computer and gawked at it. It was amazing, brilliantly crafted bit of engineering. She removed her cowl and stared at it, trying to ignore Batman in her peripheral. She looked down and to her right. Batman was scowling at her, his cowl still on.
"Barbara Gordon." He said seriously.
"Mr. Bats." Barbara said meekly.
Nightwing strolled up. "The detective's daughter appears to be the new vigilante on the block."
"This isn't a game Dick." Batman said, he removed his cowl and both Jason and Barbara gasped. "Yes, it's me. Bruce Wayne."
"I knew it had to be a rich asshole!" Jason blurted out.
"Jason Todd." Bruce grinned. "The trouble child turned vigilante. You have a bit of a mean streak to you. Of all people, I wouldn't have gathered a foster system kid would be so...adept."
"So, you know who we are." Barbara grimaced. "What does that mean? I wasn't expecting you to take off your cowl so soon to us."
"Gotham is falling to the criminals more than ever. After the breakout at Arkham we have found ourselves outnumbered and outgunned. I watched the security film of you taking down the Riddler. You have a lot of potential."
"You should have seen Barbara in the interrogation room." Nightwing smiled. He removed his small mask. "Oh! Names Dick Grayson by the way."
"Of the Flying Graysons?" Jason gasped. "I...heard about your family. I heard you were adopted by some Gotham elite. Appears now that was Bruce Wayne."
"Correct." Bruce nodded. "And I did see your work Ms. Gordon. Your father and I were standing behind the two way mirror." Bruce saw the panic on her face and put a hand up. "Don't worry, Jim has no idea it was you. I on the other hand, recognized that red hair almost immediately."
"I..." Barbara started.
"So, what happens now Bruce?" Jason asked. "I assume we're joining this team. One way or another. Otherwise you wouldn't have introduced us to your Batcave."
"I was hoping to get you two to stop...but after seeing you at work with the Riddler and with Robin - sorry Nightwing's opinion of you. I think it's time we take you two under. Now, before you get yourself killed fighting the likes of someone like Bane or Mr. Freeze."
"You don't think we can handle ourselves?" Jason asked, stepping forward.
"To the contrary. I think you'd handle yourselves too well. And eventually, without the tech I can offer you. You'd get yourself killed. But I have been working on something for both of you."
Jason recoiled a bit at Bruce's calmness.
"Follow me. Alfred, ready the suits." Batman said to the air.
"Alfred?" Barbara asked.
"His butler and our biggest ally while we're out patrolling the city. He's former SAS."
"British Special Forces, all the way in Gotham?" Jason asked. "There's a whole team to your methodology."
"After Superman arrived, I realized I couldn't fight crime alone. Another reason you two got the privilege to see Green and Red Arrow."
"Where did they disappear off to?" Barbara asked.
"The Court of Owls has offered Green Arrow a position within their society back in Central City. I asked him to take it. Red Arrow has returned with him."
"So, this Court, it's roots go deep then." Dick said.
They continued to walk towards and up a set of stairs.
"The Court is a dangerous secret society that until very recently, kept to the shadows. Pulling strings from the abyss while recruiting the rich and powerful to their ranks. Bruce Wayne has been offered a position. One I plan on taking up. It's best to get in while I can. I will attempt to avoid killing anyone. But that may spell my doom."
"Why?" Barbara asked.
"They are ruthless, I fear their initiation involves murder. But I refuse to kill."
"Told you." Barbara stuck her tongue out at Jason.
Jason rolled his eyes. "What does the League have to do with any of this?"
"The League of Assassins are a highly organized militaristic group concentrated somewhere in East Asia." Dick answered. "Batman here trained with them for several years."
"The killing is what I had a problem with." Bruce shook his head as they arrived at the top of the stairs. It led to a large room. There were artifacts from across time in here. But there were also suits. A skinny, elderly man in a suit stood in a corner. He appeared to be waiting for them. They approached. "Alfred. This is Barbara Gordon and Jason Todd."
"Pleasure Ms. Gordon. Mr. Todd." Alfred bowed. "As you can see," Alfred gestured to a line of batsuits, "We have been working diligently on crafting new attire for your formal wear."
"Whoa." Jason gasped out, looking at the much more sleek black and green suit that would be the new Robin.
Barbara approached the Batgirl suit. It was black with a yellow cape and cowl. The bat logo was also clearly in a yellow print. It was beautiful but Barbara grimaced. "Bust is a little too big."
"Which is why I need to get measurements of you both." Alfred nodded. "Don't worry, we have a scanner, none of that physical tape measuring. If you'd follow me lass and lads, we can fit you by tomorrow night."
"What of tonight?"
"Tonight's patrol is done for you three." Batman said, putting his cowl back on. "Green Arrow has found something and we plan on taking a look before the end of the night. And before he must return to Central City."
Batman walked back the way they came.
" easier than I thought'd it be." Barbara said as Alfred led them back farther into the large room. "I mean...we're going to be Batgirl and Robin, Jason."
"I know." Jason smiled. "I'm looking forward to working with you guys."
"Don't be too eager." Alfred said. "The training starts tomorrow. I advise you to get a lot of rest before then."
Alfred led them to a room with what appeared to be large x-ray scanners. Like the one's one would see at an airport. First Jason stripped to his underwear and stepped in. Barbara blushed at the pure muscle on her friend. She had never seen him in such light. Next up was Dick, who was similarly built in all the right ways. Barbara stripped to her bra and panties and sighed.
"Take a good look boys. This is the last time you get to see me like this."
Both Jason and Dick kept their gaze at the walls while she was getting her scans done.
"We have a bit of work to do. I hope you two aren't expected home." Alfred said.
"I can call Jim." Barbara shrugged. "Say I'm staying the night at a friends house."
"I don't have anyone waiting for me back home in my bachelor's pad."
"Speaking of." Alfred turned to Barbara. "How old are you two?"
"19." Barbara smiled.
"20." Jason nodded.
"Ah, bit older than I was." Dick shrugged. "17, when I started."
"Robin first appeared about four years ago. What does that make you, 21?"
"Right on the nose." Dick tapped his nose as he said it. "Once I was adopted by Bruce I discovered his secret and wanted in. I was already athletic enough for the work. And...angry enough at Two-Face. But...he channeled that all to make me into the man I am today."
"Sorry to interrupt," Alfred started. "But Barbara, Jason. Bruce has found lodging for you in a much safer neighborhood. Well, safer for Jason. Jim keeps his home well defended."
"Just like that?" Barbara smiled. "I can't believe this is happening."
"Do you think Jimbo will be pleased with the news that you're moving out?"
"I had to do it sooner or later." Barbara shrugged. "He may be miffed if he ever found out why."
"Will you ever tell him?" Alfred asked.
"Not soon..."
Alfred nodded and looked the new wards over. "Well, that's all for tonight. I will show you two to the guest bedrooms in the manor."
"Lead the way." Barbara said with a grin.
Alfred did so. They went back they way they came and found an elevator a few meters away from the Batcomputer.
They were brought to what was told to be Wayne Manor. Jason was led to his room by Alfred. Dick showed Barbara to her room. It was fancy in here. Way more wealth than Barbara ever thought she'd experience.
"Is there anything I can get you?" Dick asked with a bow.
"Uhm..." Barbara's mind wandered to him shirtless. She bit her lip and looked down. "Some tea? Something soothing."
"I gotcha." Dick winked and disappeared out the door.
Barbara strolled around the room. Noting the fine craftsmanship of the bed, real hard wood. The walls had ancient looking paintings on them. So far, the whole mansion looked like it was straight from the '50s. She shook her head as she laid on the bed. She was still in her form fitting suit. She decided she'd strip after Dick had gotten her tea.
"Or..." Barbara sat up as she kicked off her shoes. "Hmm, best not."
She continued to wait as Dick eventually returned with a tray of hot coffee. "This is Alfred's favorite blend. Granted he usually makes it. So, sorry if it isn't up to snuff."
"That's okay." Barbara said with a smile. She sipped on the tea, two cubes of sugar and a splash of cream. She sipped as Dick sat in the corner chair. He looked to have changed into pajamas himself.
"So, the great Jim Gordon's daughter..."
"So, the great Flying Grayson's prodigy child." Barbara winked.
Dick laughed. "Touche. What makes you want to be a vigilante, Barbara?"
"Babs is fine." Barbara blurted out.
"Okay, Babs." He grinned. "What brings you here?"
"I just..." Barbara leaned forward seriously. "I'm tired of seeing Gotham fall deeper and deeper into a state of chaos. It seems the more people like my father and Bruce push against the dark tides...the more the city is flooded with bad guys. From Scarecrow to the Riddler. To the now the likes of this Bane character and the League...and the Court. It's all so...frightening."
"And yet, you want to fight it?"
Barbara nodded. "To my last breath."
"It's a good thing we took you in then." Dick chuckled. "Well, enjoy the tea." He stood up. Barbara wished he'd stay longer. "Get some rest and we'll start your training in the morning."

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