Batgirl, A Bird of Prey

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"This isn't your choice." Barbara glared.

"Excuse me?" Batman turned his head. "Batgirl... Cassandra is dead."

"But that's not how it needs to be." Talia emerged in a cloud of smoke.

"Nifty trick. Can I learn?" Nightwing jested.

"Talia." Batman glared at her then Barbara. "Batgirl. You've gone rogue. It' s time we return to the Batcave. Now."

"No." Barbara glared. "I...I need space."

"We're going to be watching the body." Batman glared. "For the required two days."

"How do you know that?" Barbara asked.

"I was a part of the League of Shadows." Batman said. "Ra's taught me a lot. Not everything. But enough."

"Well..." Jason said. "We are at an impasse."

"Not you too." Nightwing sighed. "This is insane. We can't do this. Cassandra wouldn't want this."

"She was seventeen!" Talia reminded them all. "Wouldn't you take a second chance at life? At that age, when life is still so fresh."

"She's dead." Batman stated matter of fact. "I don't want to incapacitate you."

"Move the body Talia." Barbara stepped forward. "We're bringing Cassandra back."

"No." Batman stepped forward. "Will this be your last act as Batgirl?"

"I'll always be Batgirl. That's my mantel." Barbara said proudly.

"Not so." Nightwing sighed. "Because you'll be arrested for vigilantism."

"Just try it." Jason stepped forward.

"I can help." Talia smiled. "Come on Bruce. This time for real."

Batman rushed toward Talia. She disappeared into a cloud of smoke and Batman followed her. He disappeared as well. Barbara looked up at a higher roof to see them trading blows on top of their roof. Jason and Barbara stared Nightwing down.

"Come on guys." Nightwing shrugged. "I don't want to kick you asses."

Barbara stepped forward and ran in. She feigned a jab, Nightwing leaned back. She then jumped up and brought her heal down hard. He blocked it with his forearms but Barbara heard a distinct crack. Barbara flipped away as Jason came in. He threw a haymaker at Nightwing, it met him square in the jaw. He flew backwards. Barbara and Jason stood next to each other and fist bumped. But Nightwing stood again. He smiled as he used one of his tonfa's as a splint. Taking medical tape and wrapping it around his broken arm to stabilize it. Barbara and Jason shared a look.

"Enough." Barbara offered. "You'll lose."

"Not yet." Nightwing shook his head as he stood. He rushed them. Jason tried a kick but Nightwing flipped over him and brought a fist to Barbara's face. She fell back in a daze. Catching herself halfway down and forced herself to stand. She turned quick but was met with a kick to her stomach. She wheezed out and flew across the room. Nightwing hit Jason across the head with his strong hand's tonfa and then in the ribs with his broken arm's tonfa. Nightwing groaned in pain but kept fighting.

Jason collapsed as Barbara tackled Nightwing down. They both stood staring at each other. Dick was breathing hard. He shook his hands. "What you got Babs?"

Barbara smiled as Jason stood. Nightwing turned and flipped away from him. Right towards Barbara who kicked him hard in the side. He flew away and both of them rushed him still. Jason kicked him in the head as he tried to stand but he merely rolled to the ground and bounced back at them. He hit Jason in the neck. Jason coughed as a roundhouse kick met his face. He hit the ground hard as he lay still. Barbara moved up on him she threw punches at his face, they all landed. She planted her foot, turned and hit him with a swinging backhand. He recoiled back as she stepped forward again. She jumped up and her knee connected to his chin. He stumbled back and landed on his back. His tonfa flew away.

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