Chapter 44: Defense

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You stand firmly in the Manta as it heads down to Mantle, the sound of general chatter filling your ears.

"Ready to go?" Yang asks from next to you.

"Always am." You say with a smile down to her.

"It's going to get intense down there...just stay safe."

"I will sunshine." You give her a kiss on top of her head which causes her to blush. "Make sure you do as well."

"Here." She takes the bandana that's wrapped around her neck and ties it around your right arm just above your elbow.

"What's this for?"

"We don't know how long this fight is going to last, when it'll end, or how it will. If we get separated I want your goal to be that you bring this back to me. Alive." She says as she rests her head against you.

"I'll find my way back to you. I always have." You respond.

"Alright team assignments." Clover starts. "Harriet and Ruby. Weiss and Marrow. Yang and (Y/N). Nora and Ren. Elm and Blake. Jaune and Vine. Qrow and myself. Any questions?"

"No sir." The Ace Ops respond while the rest of you simply shake your head.

"You want this back?" You ask, offering your elbow. "We will be out there together."

" keep it. A reminder to always make it back to me if I'm not there." She responds.

"I want to remind everyone, especially our younger huntsmen and huntresses, that we are focusing on saving civilians. Killing Grimm is a secondary objective. Understood?" The group of you nod again in response.

"Getting pretty busy out there." Jaune says as Teryxs fly all around the airship. Before anyone can respond, the vehicle shakes wildly and the face of a Teryx appears at the windshield.

"Well that's lovely." Weiss groans as everyone secured themselves in, with you shooting your grappling hook into the ceiling and taking Yang's hand to keep each other stabilized. Harriet begins evasive maneuvers, sending the Manta into a flurry of unpredictable movement.

"I can't shake it!" She yells from the front. The Teryx's beak penetrates the top of the ship, prompting a few of you to shoot upwards at it. The ship banks to the right and the sound of metal being ripped apart pierces your ears.

"It's got the wing!" Harriet calls.

"This bird isn't going to fly for much longer." Marrow comments.

"We need to move." Qrow adds.

"You have your team and your assignments." Clover says as he flips his lucky medal. The door behind him slides open, a Teryx screeching as it does. The Grimm gets taken out as part of the ship's wing flies backwards, sending sparks and metal pieces flying. The group begins to jump and start their descent towards Mantle. You look over at Yang who's golden hair flows as she looks out over the city.

"Ready?" She asks as she takes your hand.

"Let's get it done." The two of you jump together, howling as you free fall to the earth. Once close enough you both let go and go through you landing sequence with Yang breaking her fall with a few gauntlet shots and you using your grappling hook to redirect your energy and swing down onto the ground.

"Everyone down?" Clover asks over the comms. Everyone responds with a report of a solid landing. "Good. Get to work people."

"What's the plan?" Yang asks. A Beowolf charges at you and is easily taken down with a single swing from your weapon.

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