Chapter One: The Arrival

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Before I start, I want to clear a few things up. For starters, I will be going along with the story of RWBY. Your character will basically be thrown into the series and go through the same situations. There will be adjustments made so that you fit into the story, but nothing major. Also, other side things will occur to give the story some individuality and progress the romance side of things. So, if you have seen the series, you kind of know what is going to happen, but I will do my best to add different story elements to make it interesting like have you do something that would be considered "off screen". Also, if you have not read my other story where I explained this, I am 6'4". This is going to be written from my height perspective so I apologize if you are not my height, but it makes it easier for me to kind of streamline interactions. Hope you all enjoy!

Rain beats down on the leaves. The rough bark turns soft as your finger-less gloves grip onto a branch you use to pull yourself higher into the tree. A single light makes it way through the dark night and down the trail towards your family's shack. Two hooded figures make their way to your front door as you look down upon them from your perch. You adjust your scarf to cover your face and grip your weapon in your hand. The two figures reach the door, one goes to give a knock, but the other reaches up and brushes their hand down. 

"Get down from there. I want to talk to you." A smooth male voice says as he turns to look up at the tree. You jump down and land in-front of the two of them.

"I know your kind. Leave, or I will end your life right here." You growl at the figures.

"Oh child, so brave. That is why I wanted to meet you." The man lets his hood fall. He brushes his grey hair out of his face and adjusts his tiny spectacles as he smiles at you. "I am Professor Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy. I want you to come to my school." You lower your weapon. You had heard the name before.

"Why me? If you know me you know I am not qualified to get into the academy, I had to drop out of combat school."

"Child, do let us enter your home before we continue so we may retreat from this downpour." He says softly. You push past the two and go to open the door.

"I do not care that you are both Hunters, if you do anything to harm my family or my home, I will make you regret ever coming here...even if it costs me my life." You push open the and guide them to the table. "Do you need anything to drink? Tea?" The female of the two, Professor Goodwitch, responds for the duo.

"We would love some." She flashes a soft smile at you, causing you to start the kettle.

"Now, what do you two want with me?"

"We want you to come to Beacon Academy." Ozpin responds.

"Why? I told you already: dropped out of combat school." You say as you lean back in your chair, folding your arms at them. "I would love to, but you and I both know I do not belong there."

"Tell me (Y/N), why did you drop out of combat school?" Ozpin questions, but the look on his face tells you his curiosity is false.

"You already know this. Don't you?" The wise man nods at you with a soft smile.

"Tell me again, maybe as a reminder for yourself." You sigh deeply.

"I dropped out of combat school to support my family. My mother fell ill and had to quit her job to allow herself to recover. My father had to quit his job of being a Hunter and had to take up a job at a dust mine to allow himself to be closer to take care of my mother. Although he worked doubles, he still struggled to pay for our rent and other needs so I had to drop out." You stared at the table as tears started to form. You brushed them away and got up to prep the rest of the tea.

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