Chapter 18: Broken into Pieces

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Wow an update that didn't take more than a week. Look at me go haha. In all seriousness, thank you all for the support on the latest chapter and this story as a whole. I think I found my stride again with both this and my other story so I am hoping that I will be updating them both more frequently. Hope you all enjoy this chapter and have a great day.

You cut down a group of White Fang that are standing in front of you.

"Mom! Dad!" You call out as you make your way through the fairground, stalls and buildings burning around you as Atlas troops escort civilians out of the area.

You look around the corner and see a masked figures standing above you kneeling parents. Both of them stare at you, eyes full of tears as they look at their child one last time.

"We love you." You see your mother mouth to you. One of the figures looks up at you, before signaling to the others who have their blades raised. You watch as your parents fall to the ground, laying dead among already lifeless bodies. Your head goes hot instantly and you let out a roar as you run towards the White Fang members. You drive the ax head through the chest of one before swinging the hammer head and crushing the skull of the other. You feel a slice along your back, but you turn and kick the attacker in the chest, knocking him to the ground. You pounce on his chest, rip his mask off, and pummel his face in, your fists delivering blow after blow until his body is limp. You crawl over to you parents and kneel between them, sobbing as the chaos continues around you.

"Mom....Dad....No! Please no!" You scream into the endless void of the sky. A noise behind you causes you jolt up and ready pull out your knife and pistol while your eyes are still blurry from the tears.

"You! I am going to fucking kill you!" You scream as your aunt stands in front of you. You charge forward, but your aunt vanishes and ends up on the rooftop of a stall behind you.

"I didn't think that it would come to this." She says to you.

"Yes you fucking did! This is what the White Fang is about!" You scream while spreading out your arms and walking towards her. "Adam preaches chaos and violence and you follow him blindly! Hundreds have been murdered by your cause."

"Adam saved my life, I owe him."

"Adam, you, and everyone else in the White Fang are going to get their heads cut off when I get my hands on them! And this," You gesture down to your dead parents, "this is on you!" She shakes her head as a tears run down her face.

"This is what is best for the fanus, this is what is going to progress us forward past humans." She says with a cracked voice.

"You don't even believe yourself! Look at what they did to my father! Your brother!" She stares at you as White Fang members start to close in around you, flooding the alleys of the midway. You glare at them as the approach. She jumps down and halts one with her sword.

"You get near him, he is going to slaughter you." She says to the soldier.

"But ma'am he is..."

"Then go, see what happens. Try to take him down." She gestures to you. You ready yourself and breath heavily as you clench your fists around your side arms, red eyes glaring at the White Fang member who wanted to challenge you.

"Do it." You growl. He lowers his weapon and takes a step back.

"All of you go." Your aunt commands. The group stands there for a second before running off.

"Why do you stand with them? This is not you." She sheathes her sword and lets out a sigh.

"This is what is best (Y/N), but I wish that this did not need to happen. I came try to find them and to get them to safety. I am truly sorry." She puts on her mask and turns away before all that is left is a shadow.

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