More New Content?

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Hey, it's me. New idea for you guys. How would we feel about a one shot request book. You guys give me ideas and then I write a one shot for them. It could be things like "Christmas with Yang" would be like or "Halloween with Pyrrah" or "A guys night with Sun and the boys". It would be short stories about things that the show never addresses because the characters are too busy saving the world. It would basically be like RWBY Chibi. Fun situations that would happen if the world hadn't gone to shit. Let me know what y'all think and comment on here with an idea or two or ten. I would try to do one maybe two a week if we get a good number of them. The one thing I will not do is if I plan on doing a future book for them. It looks like, from the comments, that you guys want to see Blake (with Pyrrah at a later date) next so don't come in here asking for "Blake x Male Reader first kiss" or something like that because I am going to eventually do that in a story. Like I said, make this like a RWBY Chibi kind of thing. They don't all have to be super light hearted, but this is just a fun and interactive way for you guys to get more of my writing content. Much love to y'all and have a good one.

Ray of Sunshine: Yang x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now