chapter 3

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Nobody sees the sorrow smothering her soul , the madness that is taking all control, the sickness of her mind seeping from her pores, the screams she cried that everyone ignores , despite the fact that she's dying inside, barely surviving the battles she fights , somehow she still finds the  strength to rise, to continue holding her head up high

Stacia silver - falling starts and thunderstorms

???? : Appa look at my art and craft

A cute 6 years old girl came running to her dad when she sees her dad came from the work


Listening this yn eyes were tearing

Little Yn : ap-pa

Mr Lee : you know what you will not understand like this  come here i will teach you a lesson because you will not listen like this

Like that he grabbed her hand and started to drag her to the basement  and throw her down and yn couldn't see anything because it is  full of dark he locked her like that only

Little Yn : appa please please I'm sorry i will listen to you please open this door appa please

Mr Lee : stay there like that only till morning and you will be starving no dinner for you

With that he left from there leaving a little bean in dark where yn looked at her surroundings and leaned on the door and sat down and curled up into the ball

Little yn : m-om w-hy di-d you leave me and unnie's are we that bad that you don't want us and just left us ( sobbing  her heart out ) 

After she cried her heart out tears were dried but little yn just looking blank as if she feel nothing just blank

Little yn : why i need to  cry when she left us it's not like she will come and take away from this hell scoff i hate you mom i just hate you for leaving me and unnie's i don't know where you are but i know one thing i hate you so much that no one can understand that feeling

After that she felt her eyes heavy and close her eyes and surrender to darkness and some red ants were biting her but she didn't care at all  and suddenly yn woke up taking heavy breaths and look at her surroundings and realise that she is in her bedroom

Yn : why can't I just forget my childhood memories

Being frustrated she grabs her hair and takes deep breaths and looks at the side of the mirror and notices her eyes are red

Imagine it is looking like this credit goes to the respective owners

Imagine it is looking like this credit goes to the respective owners

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Yn : guess  what i need to put ice on my  eyes to  get normal  scoff

With that she gets fresh up and wears black pants and a plain purple t shirt since it's Sunday. She went down and saw her unnie's are busy in their works

Yn : heyy Lisa what are you doing

Lisa : nothing much just playing games in phone

Yn just hummed in that and sat beside her and she also started using her phone

Jisoo : girls come let's have breakfast

Rose : comming unnie , let's go my twins otherwise she will kill us

Listening to her twin comment both yn and Lisa laugh and left to dinning hall to have breakfast After that they all decide to chill and watch movies

On other side

Jungkook : hyungie mom and dad left early in the morning i hope they come  soon

Taehyung : I'm also wishing the same kookie

Both were talking and sulking to eachother suddenly

Jin : okay okay come let's have breakfast after that we can play games what you say guys

Jimin : it's good idea hyungie

J hope : yes yes

Namjoon : then let's go and have breakfast after that will play

With that everyone started to have breakfast and after that they started to play games most of the games winned by jungkook

Time skip to evening

Jin : okay boy's since it's evening how about we order pizza

Taehyung : it's good idea hyungie let's do that

With that they order pizza and after few minutes it came and they are all started to have it

Yoongi : why mom and dad still didn't came it's about to become 8 o clock

Namjoon : hyungie they clearly said it's gonna be late at night so chill and have a bite of pizza

Listening to this yoongi just nodded his head and had his bite and again they all started to talk and teasing each other but suddenly Jin got a phone call  and he answered the call


???? : Is this seokjin speaking

Jin : yes I'm and who is this ?

??? : I'm speaking from the city hospital and your mom and dad had met with an accident can guys come fast here

Listening to this jin  felt his surroundings stopped and his phone fell down from his hand seeing  jin like this all his brothers get worried and calling him but he couldn't respond to them as if his words got stuck in his throat, and they all shaking him to speak but they only get to see tears from his brothers eyes which is continuously falling without stopping

Okay petals that's it for today hope you guy's like it and love yourself take care 💜✨

Petals I'm uploading voice pods if you want can you guy's support me please link is in description  if it's not working you can text me

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