chapter 57

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"Shit they all went to mission Damon what should we do "

" You don't need to get tense alvin in this mean time i will arrange everything you just wait and watch how i will trap that rabbit ( mona) "

Mona and Jennie ( side )

Mona " unnie i will go and check the children's health and you go and see if there is anything strange  "

Jennie " okay i will take care of it but you also be careful it's a dangerous place for outsiders like us okay "

With that they both came out of the room they both saw j hope is playing with kids namjoon is teaching studies for some kids where leo and yoongi no where to be seen

Jennie " Alaric texted me saying David gave him some work so he went out "

Mona rolled her eyes and nod with that the both turn to the places where they want to go while mona was going she stopped infront of leo and yoongi room she thought to check them when she opened the door she get shocked seeing yoongi and leo sleeping while cuddling to eachother she immediately took pic of them and slowly left the room

Jennie pov

             I need to look at the place carefully then only i can find how drugs have been supplied here

Other side ( Lisa and rose)

Lisa " this place is so good and we can breath fresh air no pollution at all "

"  Your right and here food is also so good " Rose said this while eating snacks which is given by Peter's wife

" I agree noona here food is too good"
Seokjin also said while having snacks

Lisa and maknae line





While they were talking and eating in balcony suddenly Peter came with his family

Peter " sorry to interrupt you guys actually i came to introduce my son who is gonna be next head of this village and also gonna help you guys to clear problem regarding land he is Kai "

Kai " hello nice to meet you all "

Lisa " hello Kai I'm Lisa she is my sister rose and they are my little brother's seokjin , jimin , taehyung and jungkook "

They all introduced themselves and started to have conversation where Kai keep on taking glances on rose who is busy eating food with seokjin

Other side ( yn and Jackson)

Paul took somi , yn and Jackson to their house where Paul informed one of their worker to call their family down

Meanwhile Jackson, yn and somi sat in living room within few minutes all members came down

Paul " let me introduce you all  my family she is my wife Jasmine and my daughter Riya

Jackson " hello my name is Jackson and also a  business partner of Paul and she is my sister somi and he is my soon to be brother in law name is zayn " Jackson was soo annoyed while introducing yn as his brother in law

All of them introduced themselves and Paul shows them their rooms to stay three of them get separate room

Next day

             All of them having breakfast where riya checking out  zayn ( yn ) this noticed by somi right now yn is her boyfriend how can she tolerate when other girl looking at her person

Somi " baby can you feed me my hands are hurting"

Jackson choked while having food while yn looked at somi not thinking much she started to feed somi seeing this Jackson stomach is burning where Riya look at somi who is smriking at her

Riya  " zayn will you come with me for shopping I'm going alone if you would come it will be so good "

Before yn could reply somi replied

Somi " why would my man will come with you huh he is mine i won't allow it "

Riya " ohh common you can't be so strict towards your boyfriend let him choose it what you say zayn "

Zayn (yn ) " sorry i won't come because my girlfriend happiness is more important to me and i can't upset her she is too delicate "

Riya was stunned obviously she is more beautiful and hot than somi no boy has ever rejected her this is the first time she got rejected she looks at them somi smiled seeing Zayn where he keeps on feeding her

Jackson pov

              Did they both forgot that they both are girls what is mean by i can't upset my girlfriend and all and that enemy in the name of my sister behaving like a baby infront my love she is feeding her and me who never get chance to be able to get feed by yn this is crazy totally crazy i should find quickly that person who murder his son and leave this place immediately

Damon side ( at bar )

     " Congratulations ava and Alvin you guys are soon to be getting married " said Damon who came to meet them

" Thanks Damon actually alvin said lot about you" ava replied where Damon nod his head where ava got a call and she left from there

Aiden " since your here i got you a present look their Damon  " aiden gave a signal

Suddenly  a girl came and sat on Damon's lap where Damon smirked and took her to the room which is booked for him to spend the night

At (mona and Jennie place)

" Sister your so cute i didn't even get pain when you put injection to me " a small kid said while showing her smile to mona

Where Mona smiled and gave her a chocolate as a reward and Mona left from there while she is going suddenly someone dragged and pinned her to the wall when mona looked at the person who drag her

" What the hell is this Alaric leave me"
Mona said while struggling to release from his grip

Seeing this Alaric said with full of mocking " did you forget I'm a dark shadow who is highly trained and it will be difficult to escape from my grip "

Mona with  full of frustration She asked " Don't forget that I'm also well trained and what you want Alaric "

Alaric " because of you that David make me do things which i have never done mona "

Before mona could say anything Alaric held her both hands in one hand and suddenly he fed her one table with his other free hands Mona wasn't able to split it because he covered her mouth when he found  she swallowed  he released her and Mona falls on her knees

" What did you feed me Alaric " mona said while coughing

Alaric " A medicine which makes your body pain for next 3 hrs all the best mona remember only yn have the rights to order me because this life given by her other than her no one can order me "

mona  started to sweating and her face clearly can be seen  that she is feeling pain seeing this Alaric felt satisfied and left from there

Mona " this scumbag "

With that mona complete fell down and feeling the pain all over her body

Hope you guy's like it and love yourself take care petals 💜✨ bye

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