chapter 30

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Listening to this loud voice yn didn't turn around but smrik form on her lips " teaching lesson for your kids "

The man who looks in his forties with round stomach came forward and said " who the hell are y--

His words stop in middle when yn turn around he felt like a big thunder just felt on him and all parents whom came felt like they souls just left from there bodies

" Did  you saying something to me Mr jun " yn said making mr jun feel Shiver all over his body

What  can he say anything to LEE'S he has been trying for month's to work with them even though they are rich , LEE'S are more powerful they are top 1 when it comes to power or richness in there country they can't even afford to offend them

With full of panic mr jun said to yn
" I'm sorry Ms lee I don't know what my stupid son did please forgive us "

With that he went to his son and hit on his head saying " do you know whom did you offended huh apologize to ms lee immediately"

That tall and average looks boy said
" But dad she hits me don't you see how she hit us why are you all taking her side instead of us we are your kids "

Listening to this mr jun got so much Angry he never hit his son but today with that he slaps him so hard making him stunned

" What do you think of yourself do you know how much I'm working you only know how to spend my money "

Like that all they're kids parents starts to hit there children teaching them lesson infront of yn not to make her angry again

" Stop " yn said making them to stop on there places and they all again look at yn

" Since you know your kids make mistakes i want them to be rusticated from this college " yn complete her word's

Before anyone can say anything yn again said while pointing to Dean
" You clearly know what they did is wrong if it's any random guy happen to be in namjoon place his whole career will be gone so right now rusticated them if you didn't do it you will suffer the consequences and this should be waring to all the students "

After she finished talking she again look at their parents and Said
" This consider as my warning to all of you control your kids other wise you will see the worst of me I know all of your dark secrets think before what you do "

With that there parents didn't say anything because everyone wants power and money one single mistake it will be gone so they can't afford it their kids careers or power offer they choose second one , with that they decided to take there kids yn again stop them

" You all  will be receiving notice from my lawyer for wrong accusing my brother and also for effecting his mental health " yn completed her words with out waiting for any reply from them she again look at Dean making him sweat all over again

And there parents left the room and outside

"Whats wrong dad why don't you say anything to her huh " listening to his son remark his father burn into anger and again hit on his head

" Do you know who is she huh how can you know your brain is full of dust you idiot she is lee yn  one of the CEO of lee corporation and  you dare to offend her come home I want to teach you a good lesson" with that they all went out of the college

But in Dean office still there is full of tension

" Ms lee the problem is solved and namjoon proved innocent is there any thing left " Dean asked in his anxious voice

Where yn sat in seat crossed her legs and said " where is namjoon class take me there and your coming with me "

Saying that yn stand up seeing this dean also stood and they started to walk both leo and bts follow them back not knowing why they are going to namjoon class

With in ten minutes they all reached to namjoon class and there class teacher  is teaching them class since it's first period

" Mr kang sorry for distributing the class  " dean said and mr kang understood the matter when he saw namjoon with that he came towards them leaving podium and yn went towards the podium and look at the class with blank and cold face making all the students feel fear

" You guy's are very interested in  make my brother's life's hell huh since my brother proved innocent why don't i say something to guys " yn said looking at all of them

Suddenly one person from their class asked " what do you mean "

" After reading all the comments from my brother phone do you think I will leave everyone huh cyber bullying is a crime and you are all did it don't worry i know few of you didn't so i send all the IDs to my lawyer who and all comment it to my brother will be receiving a notice from my lawyer and get ready for the consequences "
Yn finished her words

" Don't you think your going too far huh this is common when it's come to social media and you doing too much it's not like he is the who suffers in this world " one of the boy said who looks like spoiled brat and came towards yn

Yn look at him torn jean plain black t shirt leather jacket and ear piercing one word yn wants to say that is
" Hooligan "

Yn look there is wood ruler kept on the podium and she took it  " what did you say it's common huh do you know how much people will suffer just by reading one negative comment and you are saying it's common huh "

With that she hit him on his buttlocks
Making him stunned not even him everyone present there because he is known as gangster in there class

That guy raised his hand to hit yn , but  yn  catches his hand making him turn around again hit him on his buttlocks continuously making him howl in pain

" Mr kang turn his face to another side and control his smile because he always misbehave in his class and sometimes insult him he can't say anything because they are all come from rich family and now he feeling so good that he is controlling himself a lot and he look at yn with admired look in his 15 years teaching career this is the best moment for him "

Okay petals that's it for today hope you guy's like it and love yourself take care 💜✨

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