chapter 13

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CANT YOU GUYS DO ONE THING PROPERLY HUH YOU JUST HAVE TO BRING YOUR GUARDIAN FOR PARENTS MEETING here principal is lashing out on bts since there guardian didn't attend their parents meeting where bts is low their heads down

Look i know it's difficult for you guys since a few days back itself you guys lost both of your parents but this is an important meeting so I'm giving you guys a chance to get ur guardian tomorrow ok

Listening to this bts nodded their heads and left the principal office where the maknae line had tears on their faces remembering how their parents came every time for parents meeting without any fail but now everything has changed

Seeing this hyungie line comfort them and saying soft words where they also controlling themselves to not to bust out

At cafe

  Both Yn and yeonjun didn't leave the cafe since they feel so calm and they decided to spend some more time here but suddenly there peacefulness didn't last as few tables above a guy is harassing a girl and that girl is alone and look scared seeing this yn couldn't control herself and went near them he was about to touch her thighs and yn hold his hand this make that man and also that girl look at her

Tsk tsk don't you have any shame for touching like that you pest said by yn

How dare you to say that he was about to hit her with his another hand but she doged it and punch him continuously not giving him a chance to breath at all

DO  punch YOU  punch THINK  punch TOUCHING punch A GIRL  punch MAKES punch YOU MAN  punch  HUH

With one last punch he fells down and she kicked him where sun never rise and he shouted in pain and again she kicked him on his stomach with that she left and look at the  girl who is still crying she went near her and took kerchief out from her pocket and stand infront of that girl

Take this don't cry ok I know its hard to believe but try to forget ok listening to this she gave a small smile and what is ur name asked by yn

My name is somi and what is ur name she asked but her tears were still falling yn was about to rub her tears while saying her name my name is before she could finish someone push so hard that makes her hit the chair while falling on ground


Seeing this somi was shocked where yeonjun also widened his eyes and rushed to yn where she is still on ground

What is this oppa why did you do that somi shouted back on her brother

Why are you shouting at me somi she bullied  you thats why ur crying and you should be happy that i showed her real place where near ur legs

Listening to this yn was getting angry still she didn't face them but right now her whole body is fuming in anger

No oppa she is the one who saved me from getting harassing you see this guy on floor he keep on harassing me and she came and helped me by beating the shit out of him listening to this her brother get shocked and turn to the girl where he pushed and he saw her shaking thinking she is crying because of impact he pushed her but what he don't know is she is shaking because of anger and where yeonjun is glaring at him , yn hold yeonjun hand for not to hit him  because she wants to take care of it and yeonjun understands that

I'm so sorry i didn't mean to  suddenly yn stand up and turn around with her full force she grabbed his neck and that made them walk back till he hit the wall , when he saw yn  face he felt like his whole world stopped and he is so mesmerized seeing her angry face and he felt his heartbeats so fast where yn still pressing his neck and her nails are digging on his neck making blood slightly come out but still he is concentrating on her  as if he is her whole world and where she  look at him with deadly expression her eyes is full of red because of her anger

How dare you to talk about me like that today ur going to die in my hands seeing this somi get scared and came near yn

Please please leave my brother I'm sorry behalf of him he just misunderstood the situation please leave him please , yn look at somi with full of  anger this makes somi to get scare then she look at him where he is keep on looking at her as if he got what he want this makes yn confuse suddenly yeonjun came near her and

Yn leave him we need to go from here and i need to treat ur wound see blood Started to come out from ur forehead and let's go listening to yeonjun word's both somi and her brother look at her forehead they get shock she get hurt because of them and now blood is coming he was about to say something but yn beat it

Never cross my path again because I don't think twice to hurt you again with that she leaves him and left from there with yeonjun

Look what you did to her because of you she is hurt i couldn't able to say properly thank you to her somi said to her brother while getting angry on him

Where he just smirk at her and said don't worry soon you will get chance to meet her and say thank you because she is gonna be with us through out the life time

Listening to this somi was confused what do you mean by that

He looked at her sister and said what I mean is  soon she is gonna be ur sister in law listening to her brother word's somi get uttered shock

What you don't like her somi he asked but she just stare at him

Are you serious? Listening to this he nodded his head and somi smiled widely and said I don't mind having her as my sister in law

With that they both smiled to eachother and left from there

Guess who is  he  Petals?

That's it petals hope you guy's like it and love yourself take care of yourself bye 💜✨

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