chapter 27

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A person who loves us and  cares for us a lot is the one who hurt us a lot and it will become scar throughout our life

A teenage girl with gloomy face looking at a supermarket its a transparent glasses outside people can see inside  , she saw a woman who looks familiar like her holding a baby in her arms and taking care of him as if he is a piece of glass

She covered her face with a mask and pulled her hoodie cap to her head and went inside the super market and stood in front of her

And a lady suddenly realised someone is standing infront of her she move her head to front to see a teenage girl is looking at her she can only see her eyes nothing less nothing more

Seeing this that lady asked " how can I help you little one "

"Is he your son ? " asked look at the six  years boy who hugged his mother like a koala

Listening to this that lady smiled and said " yes he is my son "

Listening to this that teenage girl eyes darkened and hands turn into fist

Then her gaze went to the boy who is looking at her with his bambi eyes, with out saying anything she left the supermarket and enter into the alley and remove her face mask

Her eyes started to moist after 12 years she saw her mother she  never saw mother she was just  6 months old when she left them , she knows she is her mom because of the photo her unnies shows her

Tears keep falling on her face her legs became soft and she fall on her knees and started crying she hates that boy who her mother is holding she wants to be in his place she wants her mother to take care of her like that but it's impossible

A mocking smile form on her face as if she is mocking her own life and she decided not to say this to her unnies

She is still crying but suddenly she felt someone is hugging her with the familiar touch she understood who it is and she hide her face in his chest and started crying as if she is grieving all her misery

And at the same time  that teenage boy hugs  her softly and slowly rubs his hand on her head in a confronting manner to make her feel clam

" shh relax  yn don't worry I'm there for you ok no one can harm you I will take care of you ok no one can harm you " his soft words are like spring to her dry soul

But who knows that these are the words are now like a nightmare to her

Yn suddenly woke up from her dream she looks at her surroundings It's been 10 years since she had dreamed about him but now she again dreamed about him after her brother in law said yesterday night he is  coming back

Yn pov

            Why can't my life be simple why he needs to come back ahhhh no yn don't  let him again ruin your life you need to be strong

With that she woke up and went to the rest room to get ready for her office

When she went down her brother in law already left and black pink and leo didn't talk much to yn because they know she is not in mood to talk

While yn was eating her breakfast she looked at jungkook the same bambi eyes which she saw when he was six years old and spoon in her hand tightened and again she was in daze her heart is in pain even though she don't like her mother but the pain she caused is so much she can't able to handle it

Just because someone can handle pain doesn't mean that they all deserve to be in pain

Yn can't able to control herself she stands up " I'm done and don't disturb me "

With that she left her half eaten breakfast and everyone sitting there dumbfounded

Yn straightly drove her car to her private pool area which is only meant for her

When she went inside everything was already arranged and jumped into water with the same office outfit  seeing this all her workers left her to be alone

Yn is swimming so fastly as if she wants to run away from all the messy stuff that is going through in her mind she is restless and going crazy she suddenly stops swimming and yn starts to drown herself and after a few seconds she was  drown in pool and some images Started to play in her mind

" i will always protect you yn "

" why are you so careless see you get hurt "

" what your gonna do without me "

" i think only I can handle you "

" why are you bullying her how can you be like this yn "

" leave i don't wanna see your face "

" I pity you that's why I started talking with you "

" i wish i never met you at all "

" leave don't show me your face it's disgusting "

These are the words and images that keep flashing in her mind suddenly she open her eyes and again started to go up from getting drown

She reached near the pool stairs and started to take beep breaths her eyes were red but still tears didn't stop She didn't want to cry at all but these tears betrayed her

She is comforting herself and trying to calm her face the eyes which are always cold to the outside world are now so miserable if some  outsider sees her in this state one thing they will do that is " pitying her "

Right now she is looking so miserable no one has seen this side of her not even him or her unnies

She is like a glass doll which is broken and still tries to hold herself and trying to be strong

After past 5 hrs

She handles herself and order her workers to get her another new set of office clothes and after getting ready she left from there as if nothing has happened to her as if she didn't cry at all

She is back with her cold face and with cold tone her eyes hold no emotions at all just  like a empty vessel and left from there to her office

Hope you guys like it and love yourself and  take care bye 💜✨

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