Chapter 3: The Pub.

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Year 3, Day 21

Yesterday was terrible for the most part. The voice came back. It was worse this time. I have no idea why. It worries me. Is this all really worth it? What am I even doing? I'm so lost on this. I think it might be time to friend some people to help with this, however I don't trust easily. Especially after the mistrust I went through 4 years ago.

After hearing the voice though, this kind old human woman talked to me. She offered some of the stew she was brewing up, however, I refused. Can't trust creatures who offer food up just like that. Especially someone you just met.

I'm sitting inside a pub in this town. I was never given the name of it, however I will find out to put it down on my map. I'm glad the lady told me.

The pub is quite quiet for the time being. I enjoy that. I had told the pub manager that I am a traveler and I just need time to rest here and sit down for the afternoon before creatures arrive to get drunk.

As I closed the book I was reading, the music started up and the creatures started arriving. All different kinds, they might be travelers like me or maybe they live here. For a small town there are quite a lot of creatures who seem to live here.

I haven't been in a pub for a year. I don't really know why I haven't, pubs are a great place to figure things out. Despite some drunken creatures telling tall tales and folklore stories, it's informative to figure out what is real and not.

Everyone was looking at me oddly. Most do. It's a bit odd to see someone of the Tiefling race outside of a large human and Tiefling population. But most just seemed to not really care for my presence.

After around 20 minutes I gather all my things and hold them closely to me as I head to the front of the pub. I grab a seat towards the end of the bar and ask the bartender, who is a human, for water with ice. Might as well hydrate while I can with fresh cold water, and hey, it's free.

As I sip on my water, I look all around me to analyze all the creatures that are here. Humans, Dwarves, Half-Elves, Dragonborns and Elves.

"Looks like I'm the only Tiefling here. Oh well, that's okay." I think to myself.

As I look around more, one Elf catches my eye.

"Woah... He's so... Beautiful..." I catch myself being in awe over this Elf I know nothing about. But he looks so majestic that I can't help myself from staring.

After sitting in the front of the pub for a while, I ask for 2 more waters, and I move to the back where I was sitting earlier. I spent a good while listening to drunken Dragonborn talk about the latest drama around here, nothing very informative at all. I sit down and take my flask out of my bag and when I see the coast is clear I slowly pour the ice water into my flask.

Just as I was done with the first flask of water, I heard a voice beside me.

"Heh, I never saw anyone do that. Would this technically be stealing?" They said slightly smugly.

I startle and look up and realize it was the Elf I was staring at earlier.

I start stammering as I try to speak.

"I.... I... I don't intend on stealing... Sir... I... I just thought it would... Be a good Idea if... If I.. Uh.. Fill up my flasks for my travels... Since the water is... It's free.." I felt so flustered and I stammered why more than usual. Oh jeez.

"I have a crush on you WHAT AM I THINKING? I JUST MEET HIM AND THIS ISN'T A GOOD WAY TO MEET I DON'T EVEN KNOW HIS NAME!" I think to myself flustered and nervous about what's going to happen.

As I'm staring nervously at him he ends up smiling and he sits down across from me.

"My name is Therian, I didn't mean to startle you so much about the stealing joke" He says through a chuckle.

I take a deep breath of relief and take a sip of my water, collecting my thoughts and trying to find what to say. I decided that I'm going to be honest about who I am.

"Heh, sorry for panicking like that. My name is Axl, nice to meet you, Therian." I say breathlessly due to the panic I just felt.

"Well, nice to meet you Axl, you're new here. I can tell. Also, to be quite honest, I came over to introduce myself because well, you piqued my interest." Therian sounded a bit shy when saying that, I thought it was quite cute.

"Oh! Well, thank you for taking an interest in me, Therian... You seemed quite interesting to me as well, however I am a bit of a loner and I'm new so I was a bit afraid to go over to you." I responded to him a bit excitedly.

"I can't believe he is talking to me!!! HIs voice is so lovely to hear, he is a bit short though, however Elves are typically just around 5 feet tall." I think to myself as I drink a bit more water nervously.

"So, how come you're just drinking water inside a pub? A tad bit weird to not be a bit of a drinker but be sitting in a pub by yourself id i do say so myself." Therian asks me.

"Heh, yeah it is kind of weird to sit in a pub and drink just water... Truth is I dont have the money to get anything besides water. I'm just glad I'm able to sit in a building and drink." I responded to him, now a bit embarrassed.

"He thinks I'm weird.." I think to myself shifting in my seat.

"Well um, would you like me to buy a drink for you? Any drink of your choice, it's alright with me." He tells me excitedly.

He is really friendly, and it doesn't hurt to have a drink or two.

"Ya know, I would like that very much, thank you Therian." I responded excitedly back.

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