Chapter 4: Drinks.

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I ordered some ale and Therian ordered a glass of wine. Even though I know other's can be dangerous to be trusted, I need someone to accompany me during my travels. Drinks bring personalities and truth out. I've been big on drinking so I have a high tolerance so I dont slip easily if people are looking for information from me.

"So tell me Axl, where are you headed? Anywhere special?" Therian asked me after a few sips of his wine.

I take a large sip of my ale.

"No, not really. I'm just traveling to explore new things. I don't really have a goal set other than to see new places, meet new people and learn more things."

"Oh I see! So, what places have you seen?" He asks curiously.

"Well, I've seen the Black Mountains, the one that has the village of giants. I've seen Green Eye Pond, it was gigantic and also very smelly. I've seen other places but I haven't ever been able to get the name of them." I told him.

He perks up, "Hey since you're traveling and all that, why don't I come along with you and I can show you some of my favorite spots!" he says excitedly.

"Erm, I don't really know, I'm heading west for my travels." I shyly respond.

"Haha that's wonderful! My home and my all time favorite spot is west!" Therian exclaims with energy and excitement.

I chuckle a tiny bit thinking of what to say and how to respond. I really have nothing to say, how do I reject him? I have no idea. I just sit there sipping on my drink and listening to Therian talk about how wonderful it would be to accompany me and how he's excited if he can come along with me.

I ask for water to help sober up after two cups of ale. I chug down the cup and then Therian slaps his hand on my shoulder.

"Axl! My friend! We should dance! This song! So good!" He blupers out drunkenly.

Before I have time to respond or shake my head at all he grabs my hand and brings me to the middle of the pub and he starts dancing all around me.

Laughing at how he's dancing all around me, I cave and start dancing too. As we were dancing, we saw a fight happen between two dragonborns and watched as they both got kicked out. Therian and I bursted out laughing due to how we were dancing and watching the fight and them getting kicked out.

More drinks and dancing as the night blurs away.

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