Chapter 6: Getting Used To It.

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Year 3, day 29

It's been 7 days since I've written anything down. Lots of things have happened. Good things. I think I'm getting used to having someone by my side.

I haven't traveled anywhere new at all, I'm still in this town where the pub is, which is the last thing I wrote about. In the pub I met someone. He's undoubtedly beautiful. He's an Elf so that's not a surprise but I don't know. His beauty just shines brighter to me than other Elves. His name is Therian.

He's taller than me, he has wavy golden blond hair, and I learned when the sun shines down on him he has these strawberry red highlights in his hair. His eyes are the most beautiful to me personally. His eyes have dark green lining them, and inside that dark green is this lighter green that slightly fades to this blue, and along his pupils he has brown streaks showing slightly, it's a very small detail you'd never notice unless well, you really paid attention and looked into his eyes.

He's an Elf, so naturally he has soft features, but Therian has more rugged features about him that, to me, make him stand out more from the other Elves.

I've learned a lot about him this past week. He has learned a lot about me too. However I have been avoiding the really shitty parts about me and my life. He's very open about himself. He's been very open and honest about himself and his life. And to be honest, I'm glad he is, because listening to his stories and his thoughts on life and his experiences has made me realize, we are similar, with different stories and such, but most of our experiences are similar. I think as time goes on I will most likely fully open up to him, if he doesn't abandon me before then.

Anyways, more about my past week activities, I haven't continued my journey further like i have been doing for the past 3 years, instead i've been staying at Therians place and I have been going on full day explorations with his company. It's been nice having someone walk with me, sometimes we talk as we walk to our destinations, and sometimes we don't. And he respects it when I don't want to speak. I enjoy that. Especially when I'm not in a mood to speak and he just talks to me and he accepts my head nods and little "mmms" and "mmhmms".

Therian took me to go see 2 of his favorite places, the 1st place was a wintergreen forest. He likes it because wintergreen trees are his favorite and there's a river that has a tony waterfall that fills up a pond. Therian told me he likes to fish there and occasionally go swimming. Except the weather in the wintergreen forest is different from the weather in the town, it snows often and during typical winter, its summer in the forest.

We had a long talk there and had a picnic even though it was kinda cold there.

I forgot the name of the other place he brought me, but it was a cave but the cave was a maze, it was really interesting.

I've been thinking at night, when I go to sleep, about how much I really do enjoy spending time with someone, especially Therian. I enjoy having someone to talk to, and even though he doesn't really know the full truth about me and my past, it's good to get it out and have someone be understanding of what I have gone through.

I think this is a new start of something. Despite me really liking him, and the want to develop a romantic relationship with him, I think it'd be better to just stay a bit more distant and be friends. He's helped me out emotionally and I have even helped him out emotionally. Just being there with him or him being with me, it feels..... Nice and comforting.

He makes me genuinely happy, I think. And I don't want like any... romantic feelings to get in the way of having a friendship that could be beneficial to me.

I've genuinely enjoyed myself.

Though there have been moments at night when trying to sleep where I hear whispers. So I go for walks to get away from them. Obviously I haven't told Therian because I'm scared of what he will say or how he will react or if he will reject me as a friend.

On a better, lighter note, he has helped me out with eating and has helped me take better care of myself, he styled my hair for me and I really like it. It makes me feel good knowing someone thinks I look good, and even if I style my hair my own way, he still really likes it, which is usually just bed head and shaggy looking because i don't really know how to style my hair and i've never put in an effort.

But anyways. It's getting late, so, i'm going to wrap this up. I really hope Therian stays, I really hope I stay with Therian. I really do believe this is a good new beginning for me. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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